tukkek / javelin

Party-based roguelike (open-source strategy-RPG game).
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City events #32

Open tukkek opened 7 years ago

tukkek commented 7 years ago

City events that should happen inside a District instead of the normal wilderness hazards. Mostly use social skills to play out. (only on friendly towns)

guards confuse you for suspects in a crime and put you into prion for one day (diplomacy DC25 reduces time accordingly)

# riot (removes 25-diplomacy check labor from the town, never happens in religious towns)
# fire (one of the district's locations needs 5/10/15 labor before resuming activities, becomes a construction site, never occurs during rain)
# collective effort (if they decide to spend a day working with the town each character may produce 1 labor per successs level of DC15/20/25 through a Constitution roll)
# flood: during a storm if city or bigger a flood may give out poison damage to those caught in it
# food shortage: size-- (winter only)
# immigration: size++ (spring only?)
# street gang - at night only, party may be attacked by a mob of thugs. only if city >= city. thugs are low level but come in big sizes. they will only attack if the fight is moderate or difficult. Guards may come to help too.
tukkek commented 7 years ago

Some events are similar (like 'extra labor' ones) - but that's OK because they're thematic for different traits.

tukkek commented 7 years ago

Events can be hard to balance, some are positive, others negative and even either type vary in effect. This can either be handled manually by making sure each treat has fair chances (probably by assigning -2 to +2 to each event and making sure each sums to zero) or, to allow for more event types, a dynamic system can be created allowing for each trait to determine its own chances per event, ensuring a balanced average outcome (events still need to be ranked but they can be added arbitrarily after that). Adding the dynamic system is not the best way around this but may prove necessary at some point.

tukkek commented 7 years ago

More events http://masterofmagic.wikia.com/wiki/Event

tukkek commented 6 years ago
tukkek commented 6 years ago
tukkek commented 6 years ago
tukkek commented 6 years ago
tukkek commented 6 years ago

On desert tiles, shifting sand could lose any % of a Construction Site progress.

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Animal stampede (ecological, town or smaller): town shrinks by 1.

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Would be interesting if as Neutral events Towns could spontaneously start working on any valid Labor (for example any Construction from their given decks or even new Traits entirely). Later on they could even develop "special" traits that generate their own events.

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Negative: attacked, generates an incursion of the Town's terrain type inside the district itself (el=[1,Town#el]).

tukkek commented 6 years ago

"Event" should also be a base Labor, costing 0. It generates a random event in the same way they are generated spontaneously. Beneficial events should also be their own cards for their specific Deck traits, also costing 0.

More than one event card can be held at a given point in time (up to having a hand with only events).

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Curfew (military and criminal, negative): Squad is obligated to spend 8+2d20 hours in Town. Allow a free rest period for each 12 hours.

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Great artist releases his masterpiece (cultural): generates a Caravan-like actor that will move to a new Town - making both it and the original Town grow.

tukkek commented 6 years ago

Horror strikes (criminal, negative): Non-evil Squad members get a -2 general modifier that lasts 5d6 days.

tukkek commented 5 years ago

Robbers: robbers take gold equal to a treasure of level equal to the party or an item of similar value. Players may choose to fight them but they're NPCs of the same level (no treasure). Only happens to level 10.

Ritual (religious, neutral): selects a ritual from any Shrine and performs it.

Reinforcements (hamlet only, positive): adds an intelligent, terrain-relevant unit to a present Squad (EL=population).

tukkek commented 5 years ago

City growth and city shrink - instant +1 or -1 to city population (if between 2 and 19).

Breakthrough (positive): instantly produces a week-worth of labor to ongoing projects.

Spring boom (neutral): as long as there are Dwellings in the district, add 10% max population to them (at least one). Spring only.

Summer time (positive): gains a free, instant diplomacy bonus with the city. Summer only (if not maxed).

Coup (negative): only if hostile city is revolting. Adds a garrison with EL equal to population.

Communion (positive, natural only): a nature spirit or wise natural being shares some knowledge, which advances any one current project by one week-worth of labor (surplus is discarded).

Academic study (positive, magical and cultural): spends a week worth of labor equally to every active project, surplus discarded.

Kindred spirit (natural only, positive): only if there's a squad in Town. Adds an easy (relative to Population EL) animal to that squad.

Subterfuge (criminal, negative): through underhanded tactics, one of the current projects is cancelled.

Conquest (military, positive): instantly captures a hostile location inside the district, as long as EL<=population.

Killer (criminal, negative): a killer is out on the loose, -0.5 to Town happiness.

Troupe (cultural, positive): one of the Town's most famous groups has outdone themselves with their latest performances. Happinness rises by 0.5.

Mana peak (magical, positive): a sudden raise in environmental magical energy doubles the effectiveness of low-level magic. Each active project gets two days worth of labor.

Sabotage (criminal, negative): instantly destroys a random district building.

Wild magic (magical, negative): a freak accident causes one of the Town's buildings to magically implode!

Plane shift (magical, negative, town or city): mysteriously, an entire neighborhood simply vanishes to another plane of existence (-1 population).

Divine inspiration (religious, positive); a single project gets a boost of a week's worth of labor.

Druid council (natural, neutral): starts working on a brand-new project.

Plentiful harvest (natural, positive, spring or summer): +1 population.

Soldiers of faith (religious, positive): if a squad is in town, adds an Easy (relative to population) paladin or cleric to it.

Discovery (expansive, neutral): reveals the nearest hidden location.

Enemies (any, negative): generates a Terrain-appropriate incursion inside the district, with EL equal to population.

Heat wave (any, desert, negative): kills 1 population.

Call to arms (expansive, neutral): a Dwelling is filled to it's maximum population.

For honor! (military, positive): as long as there is a Squad in Town, adds a week-long general buff (+2).

Gift (magical or economic, positive): as long as a Squad is in Town, generates an Artifact of value in-between treasure(population-1,population+1).

Taxes (criminal or economic, negative): each Squad has to pay treasure(population) on back-taxes or be jailed for 1 month.

Plunder (criminal, negative): all active labors are cancelled.

Hunting season (natural, neutral): hunters report the location of nearest unknown Actor.

Invention (magical, positive): adds easy construct to Squad, if any can be generated (relative to population).

Band of brothers (military, neutral): generates a group of mercenaries, and adds to Squad if accepted (show all members plus daily fee). EL equal to population.

Ranger survey (natural, positive): surveys an area equal to double district size around the Town.

Martial son (military, positive): adds to the Squad an easy, terrain-relevant creature upgraded from all the upgrade sets in all academies (if no academies, invalidate). EL relative to population.

Communion (religious, neutral): heals all wounds and negative effects, adds a week-long +1 generic buff to any and all squads in town.

tukkek commented 5 years ago

Would be cool to allow certain events to be labors as well - should be easy to write a LaborEvent that simply takes an Event parameter and adds cost equal to Town population, with a sanity check for Town rank too.

tukkek commented 5 years ago

Portal (magical, neutral): a portal opens to another friendly town. Do each squad in Town wants to cross over?

Sidekick (criminal, positive): an easy Rogue wants to join the team (relative to town population).

Business plan (mercantile, positive): the community gets together to focus on one ongoing project (adds a week worth of labor to a single project).

Hydraulics (magical or natural, positive, storm only): the town converts the power of the storm into labor (week-worth of labor divided across all ongoing projects).

Insight (mercantile, positive): immediately applies an upgrade to any upgradeadble building.

Mounts (mercantile, natural or expansive, neutral): provides a free Carriage if present Squad does not have transportation.

Migration (negative): 1 population moves away from the Town.

Contact (expansive, positive): shows the location of nearest undiscovered Town.

Training (military, neutral): if they stay a week in the city, 100XP will be distributed between all squads.

Strife (criminal, negative): a group of intelligent creatures, with EL equal to population is generated as a hostile Incursion.

Military work (military, positive): forces group up to advance an ongoing project (1 week worth of labor).

Military coup (military, negative): a non-hostile Town is taken by a group of EL equal to Population.

Flood (natural, negative, water tile in district or storm): cancel an ongoing project.

Wildlife rampage (natural, negative): adds incursion of animals with EL equal to population.

tukkek commented 5 years ago

http://swashbucklershideout.blogspot.com/2012/02/random-village-situations.html http://poleandrope.blogspot.com/2010/09/meanwhile-back-in-town.html