tukkek / javelin

Party-based roguelike (open-source strategy-RPG game).
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Class Kits #334

Open tukkek opened 2 years ago

tukkek commented 2 years ago

This is mostly a reminder task to review and include every base class stereotype as a Kit into the game. While many already exist, some are not quite there yet - like Clerics not being effective Undead killers, which might work better as its own specialized Kit instead.

For spell-casting classes, this is better achieved using schools instead #59 .

This can later be expanded into a wider concept of base classes (stereotypes from other tabletop and video-games).

While this could theoretically be tied somehow to the Branch development methodology, rather than to shoehorn both things together for convenience's sake, better to assume this is a finite task (even with the flexible scope), leave it as its own project and work in parallel to complete it.

tukkek commented 2 years ago

On the expanded scope, some premature suggestions:

  1. Tinker: craft-based
  2. Swashbuckler: rogue/warrior hybrid
  3. Shapeshifter: might be hard to implement, with summoner Druids being the closest existing option right now
tukkek commented 2 years ago

Noble Kit

Forgottensage: Leadership #329 sphere might be a good way to do a noble actually. Free unit that isn't quite as strong that is built into the character using it. Like an animal companion

tukkek: you have a good point here - like i could make a noble class with spell-like abilities but it wouldnt quite feel right