tukkek / javelin

Party-based roguelike (open-source strategy-RPG game).
64 stars 7 forks source link

Boss lair / bounties #346

Open tukkek opened 1 year ago

tukkek commented 1 year ago

Apart from Dungeon bosses #257 , it should be simple to add a new type of Location (or Actor) to the game, which would be a simple but distinct type of content in the form of strong individual NPC fights. These could be a wave of enemies then an NPC, or a NPC with an Encounter as minons or two (or more) NPCs.

It would be simpler to implement these as Locations but then there wouldn't be much use for them while empty (and there are enough refilling Sieges in the game already). They could instead be Quest-based Bounties generated dynamically around Towns, granting reputation.

The problem would be scaling: to have only bosses (such as a Dragon) scaled to a Town level wouldn't be simulationist nor give players long-term goals. Instead Boss Lairs could be one-off Locations.

Normal Random Encounter maps would be perfect for this. It would be interesting to give them more of an "arena" feel to it - making the map smaller could work but it would bring problems with procedural blunders.

Knowledge could reveal details about the Fight, the same way Perception does with other Sieges.

tukkek commented 1 year ago

Haunts provide more than enough of a scalable procedural framework to generate bosses and minions that make thematic sense as far as Monster selection goes. They probably shouldn't use Branch Kits and Templates as Dungeons already use that.