tukkek / javelin

Party-based roguelike (open-source strategy-RPG game).
66 stars 7 forks source link

Show attack and damage rolls #5

Open tukkek opened 8 years ago

tukkek commented 8 years ago

Requested via e-mail.

Would you mind putting the results of rolls down in the console or at least attack and damage rolls?

Unfortunately this is not as easy as it sounds. The artificial intelligence doesn't roll dices (d20) as we think about them as players. Instead it calculates percentages for every possible outcome - for example, 50% of missing an attack, 25% chance of hitting and causing 1 damage and 25% of causing 2 damage. Real scenarios are a lot more complicated than that simple example.

Showing damage would be easier but since damage can be dealt in many ways this would mean changing every single damage dealing spell, and every combat maneuver. It's a lot of work plus the AI side to everything so I won't be making it a priority. If you think it's really important let me know and I'll reconsider dong it sooner. Also one of the ideas of Javelin was to hide as many numbers as possible so it can be more immersive and less rule-oriented but I can understand that hardcore gamers would like to see the actual rolls/damage made.

In the future it should be possible to turn on an option that would show at least player (human) rolls for normal attack and damage. Spells and other sources of damage that operate independently could then be modified slowly to work with that option.

tukkek commented 8 years ago

Would be nice if you shown all of the rolls/interactions of all of your actions in the log. (What did I roll with what against what to make it miss/pass) Unless things are vague on purpose (like how healthy my characters are)
