tukkek / javelin

Party-based roguelike (open-source strategy-RPG game).
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Caster Rings #76

Open tukkek opened 7 years ago

tukkek commented 7 years ago

~Spells, just like today they have #isitem, #iswand, etc, could also have a getcasteritem() method that generates an item that grants that spell 1/day to the wearer, the cost being simply Spell level × caster level × 400 gp.~

~The returned items (CasterItem) would simply take a name, a slot and a spell and greatly increase the number of artifacts (around 50, currently) - greatly enhancing not only the game in general but the inventory management minigame as well.~

~This would result, as of now, in 6x more artifacts in the game, doubling the total number of items in general. It would also mean that in the future, every added spell can also generate 2 more items (potion/scroll/wand) + artifact.~

~The method declaration should be abstract, but allow implementations to return null so that they aren't completely mandatory.~

tukkek commented 7 years ago

~The best way around this would probably be to offer a few slot-based implementations of the base class CasterItem (amulet of rage, ring of invisibility, cap of fox cunning, etc). Make sure to follow slot affinities:~

Cap: mind, ranged, social
Goggles: vision: 
Amulet: morale, alignment, protection, divination
Cloak: transformation, protection
Belt: physical
Bracer: combat/allies
Gauntlet: speed, power
Shoes: movement
Vest: miscellaneous

~Alternatively, can just create a CasterRing item with the same effect (simpler, as a #isring field). However, rings are usually at-will items. To represent that, can simply make it add 5 casts per day of the spell, instead of 1 (Spell level × caster level × 2000 gp). The field can even be activated (true) by default!~

tukkek commented 7 years ago

Currently implemented as Caster Rings. They allow for anywhere between 1 and 5 bonus casts per day (Minor to Epic "ring of ..."). However the current implementation will allow for only 2 extra casts per day so as not to absolutely overwhelm the Artifact list with 265 new artifacts at once (which would be awesome from a quantity perspective but would mean that only around 10% other artifacts are anything other than Caster Rings).

One of the objectives now regarding items would be to inflate the list of Artifacts so as to enable other tiers (namely: 1, 3, 4 ,5 uses per day) to be activated, while keeping rings at around ~50% items. This is a huge task since it would require over 200 "other" artifacts to be added to the game, but it can be done on a tier-per-tier basis as new artifacts are added.