tukkek / javelin

Party-based roguelike (open-source strategy-RPG game).
66 stars 7 forks source link

Camp fight #83

Open tukkek opened 7 years ago

tukkek commented 7 years ago

When being attacked during a camp rest, each character has a 25% chance of being on watch. Being on watch gives them a Perception roll (highest result) against incoming monsters' Stealth (lowest result). Probably should notify of the result before starting combat ("High Elf notices monsters approaching!" or "You are surprised by a group of monsters!").

If no watcher is successful, he is only alerted of the monster when they're right next to him. All watchers are surprised by 1 round (+1AP on initiative, flat footed). Sleeping units are under the Sleeping condition (+3AP on initiative, extends helpless). Sleeping units can roll a Perceive with -10 to be Waking up instead.

If any watcher is successful, he is able to able to wake up everyone else by shouting in advance. The watchers act as normal, everyone else is Waking up (+2AP on Initiative, extends flat footed).

This all should be easy to implement with a CampFight class.

tukkek commented 7 years ago

Light sleeper feat: reduces by -.5AP Waking Up and Sleeping conditions. Makes sleeping Listen rolls with -5 instead of -10. Negated if fatigued or exhausted.

static LightSleeper#islightsleeper(Combatant c) Monster#wakeup()


tukkek commented 7 years ago

Can even go as far as modifying the current terrain map with Haunt #33 mechanics, placing the sleeping units on a 5x5 square (cleared of any flooding and obstacles, representing a safe resting place), the watchers somewhat next to them (4x4 outer area) and the attacking creatures on a perimeter around them (3x3).