tukui-org / ElvUI

User Interface replacement AddOn for World of Warcraft.
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No Castbar for Hunter AS and MS #1096

Closed LiquidDew closed 7 months ago

LiquidDew commented 7 months ago

What is the issue you are having?

Multishot and Aimed shot cast bars are missing in the most recent update

What is the expected behavior?

Expect there to be castbars for Multishot and Aimed shot.

What actually happened?

Disabled all addons except for Elvui, still am missing Multishot and Aimed shot castbars.

Suggested Solution/Workaround

No response


No response

ElvUI Changelog & Troubleshooting

1Botanica1 commented 7 months ago

ElvUI is at 13.51 - please check at the top of the ElvUI menu in game is 13.51 - if not, update

If ElvUI is up to date & you still have the issue, please type in chat in game /edebug on and test - do you still have the issue?

If so, type in chat in game, /estatus and upload a full ui screenshot (no cropping) showing the issue and the status panel.

UnderGut commented 7 months ago

I confirm the bug

Azilroka commented 7 months ago

Classic doesn't have a castbar for AS or MS.

kodewdle commented 7 months ago

what he said, default UI is the same way in classic

CZonin commented 7 months ago

Same issue here. There was a cast bar for Aimed Shot in previous versions of ElvUI.

1Botanica1 commented 7 months ago

Which version of wow?

for classic hc 20903 for aimed shot 14290 for multi

These spell ids aren't in the library for aimed or multi shot

LibClassicCasterino - whoever manages the library should update or add the spell ids

not sure if there are changes to the other version of wow - troubleshooting steps haven’t been done

CZonin commented 7 months ago

It's working again with the latest update. Thanks for the fix!

CZonin commented 6 months ago

Looks like this is broken again in 13.54

Repooc commented 6 months ago

Well the blizzard api returns incorrect data, we removed the library that faked the information. Your best bet is to find a wa to get what you want as we decided not to use a library just for 2 spells that blizzard is not returning the correct value for.