tukui-org / ElvUI

User Interface replacement AddOn for World of Warcraft.
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Right chat window non-existent (addon version 13.55, game version 10.2.5) #1153

Closed abehnan closed 4 months ago

abehnan commented 5 months ago

Troubleshooting Steps


Describe the expected behavior and what actually happened?

Ever since updating to 13.55, the right chat window is non-existent. This still occurs even after doing the "install" procedure.

Reproducing the issue.

Lua Errors

No response

Verification Steps

abehnan commented 5 months ago

Note that the left chat is correctly being setup when "setup chat" is executed. i.e. trade chat, skill ups, and loot are removed.

jonschafferbr commented 5 months ago

Happening to me too..

But only on a newly created character, that was made today with patch 10.2.5 and elvui 13.55.

My others characters, that was made before the new wow and elvui patch the chat panel is still working. I didnt tested doing a reinstall, but i believe doing so will stop working too

cabalcoffers commented 5 months ago

Same is happening to me. Unfortunately, I discovered this on my main when I had made changes to chat and decided to go back to defaults via Elv’s install process. Now I cannot return it to prior functionality.

1Botanica1 commented 5 months ago

From discord

Install button works again in dev.zip however, if you try to create another chat it will automatically be a Text To Speech forced (same happens in Blizzard's UI currently).

kodewdle commented 4 months ago

fixed in 13.56+