Describe the expected behavior and what actually happened?
No response
Reproducing the issue.
No response
Lua Errors
11x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] 插件 'ElvUI_Libraries' 尝试调用保护功能 'Frame:SetPassThroughButtons()'。
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:485: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:485>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetPassThroughButtons'
[string "@Blizzard_MapCanvas/MapCanvas_DataProviderBase.lua"]:224: in function `CheckMouseButtonPassthrough'
[string "@Blizzard_MapCanvas/Blizzard_MapCanvas.lua"]:209: in function `AcquirePin'
[string "@WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_Core.lua"]:1452: in function `ShowLine'
[string "@WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_Core.lua"]:1566: in function <WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_Core.lua:1547>
_ = Frame {
events = <table> {
Verification Steps
[X] I have read the Changelog and verified ElvUI is up to date by checking /estatus
[X] I have verified my issue doesn't exist in the Default UI or the Issue Tracker.
[X] I have not read any of these steps, please close my issue when you see it.
[X] I have done the Troubleshooting Steps and included the requested screenshots, which show the issue and status panel.
Troubleshooting Steps
Describe the expected behavior and what actually happened?
No response
Reproducing the issue.
No response
Lua Errors
Verification Steps