Hi Team,
We are running 10 instance of node in the Production environment and each instance subscribe the same topic with common consumer "gropuid", however we had noticed that only one running instance of consumer are reading the message from subscribed topic, however other 9 are remain ideal, this causing us a huge performance issue.
Kindly assist...
Hi Team, We are running 10 instance of node in the Production environment and each instance subscribe the same topic with common consumer "gropuid", however we had noticed that only one running instance of consumer are reading the message from subscribed topic, however other 9 are remain ideal, this causing us a huge performance issue. Kindly assist...
Consumer Code
Where KAFAK_BROKER_ENDPOINT : {my kafka cluster IP} KAFAK_DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP: KafkaConsumer pStrConsumerGroup: customerdetails pStrTopicName: customerdemo