tulir / whatsmeow

Go library for the WhatsApp web multidevice API
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Getting banned after sending five messages #465

Closed lorenzopic closed 10 months ago

lorenzopic commented 10 months ago

Hello there, I am using the library with multiple landline numbers on Whatsapp Business, sending and receiving work as they should until I try to send multiple messages. When I try to send a list of more than five messages the number gets banned after the fifth one and I see a message similar to this number is being used on another phone, afterwards it asks me to login again and shows me that I have breached the ToS. I have a delay of five seconds between each message sent and they are all different from each other, the only thing I modified is the name showed when the program connects to the Whatsapp (the default "Whatsmeow"). Any clues on what might be causing those bans? Thanks in advance

Edit: the numbers I am sending the messages to have never contacted me before and are not in my contacts.

ahmedRSA commented 10 months ago

no one is facing ban you must be doing something wrong

lorenzopic commented 10 months ago

I am just sending normal text messages with 5 seconds delay between each:

_, err = client.SendMessage(
        types.NewJID(sendMessageReqJson.Target, "s.whatsapp.net"),
            Conversation: proto.String(sendMessageReqJson.Content),