10:20:20.265 [wa WARN] Failed to fetch prekey for xxx:23@s.whatsapp.net: invalid prekey in prekey response: prekey node doesn't contain ID tag
10:20:20.265 [wa WARN] Failed to fetch prekey for xxx:24@s.whatsapp.net: invalid prekey in prekey response: prekey node doesn't contain ID tag
In the event listener, I do not get anything, res also does not contain messages, just timing information. Can you please suggest how to debug or if visible what I am doing wrong?
I try to retrieve messages from the group but no response is returned or event handler does not receive anything. The setup looks like this:
Below is the code:
Once the message is sent, it logs this:
In the event listener, I do not get anything, res also does not contain messages, just timing information. Can you please suggest how to debug or if visible what I am doing wrong?