tulitv / simple-todo

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[Android Bootcamp] Simple Todo App - Review #1

Open tulitv opened 9 years ago

tulitv commented 9 years ago

My app is complete, please review. Also, I have a question about Textfields used for the Main Activity and the Edit Item Activity: The slide show requests to use Text Field\Plain Text for Main Activity and Text Field\Multiline Text for Edit Item Activity. Shouldn't be Plain Text both? /cc @codepathreview @codepath

FYI: On slide 22 there is a function name mismatch addTodoItem() vs onAddItem().

tulitv commented 9 years ago

I completed the following suggested items: 1.) Use SQLite through ActiveAndroid instead of text file. 2.) Create and use a custom adapter instead ArrayAdapter. 3.) Added Due Date to Item List.

Also added a header to the Item List, which is simply the first item in the list, not part of db, and checking to do not edit/delete by the listener.

Initially tried to use the existing ActiveAndroid jar file, which did not work, and also was not giving any error. Then I realized it is very outdated, so I downloaded the library files and rebuilt. It worked out fine after an interesting debugging: ActiveAndroid was shadowing a NoSuchMethodException for the getConstructor used for a non-static inner class, and just giving a custom error regarding not finding the default constructor. So a little ActiveAndroid debugging was needed to make it running.

Having multiple fields/item required to figure out how to physically structure them on the layouts and what the focus be on different actions (i.e. when adding a new item, most likely the Due Date is the last field filled before hitting the Add Item button. By default the focus stays on the Due Date after it, which was pretty odd, so changed to be on Item Name instead).

/cc @codepathreview @codepath

nesquena commented 9 years ago

Shouldn't be Plain Text both?

Yes plain text for both works.

FYI: On slide 22 there is a function name mismatch addTodoItem() vs onAddItem().

Thanks, fixed!

Initially tried to use the existing ActiveAndroid jar file, which did not work, and also was not giving any error.

Thanks for the notes, will update soon.

nesquena commented 9 years ago


Looks good! This was intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer to learn all practical Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a personalized code review for each submitted project once the bootcamp starts.

The next step is to continue working on extensions to your todo app and to schedule a short 5-10 minute phone conversation here. Navigate to January 7th and dates onward and choose a 15-minute slot. Let us know if none of those times work.

Please make sure to include the best number to reach you at in the scheduled event? Look forward to chatting soon!

tulitv commented 9 years ago

I completed the last suggested item: Use DialogFragment instead new Activity for the Edit Item.

One interesting thing I found that I did not have to change the MainActivity to extend FragmentActivity as per the description, but kept using ActionBarActivity, which I liked more having the top bar with the title.

/cc @codepathreview @codepath

nesquena commented 9 years ago


One interesting thing I found that I did not have to change the MainActivity to extend FragmentActivity as per the description, but kept using ActionBarActivity, which I liked more having the top bar with the title.

Yeah its a bit misleading but ActionBarActivity itself extends FragmentActivity which is why it works. I've updated the guide to reflect that!

I will be in touch again soon to follow up about next steps.