tulleuchen / jirastopwatch

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Starting from today we cannot connect to JIRA Cloud #138

Closed bluish5 closed 5 years ago

bluish5 commented 5 years ago

Hello, starting from today we cannot connect to JIRA Cloud, both me and my collegue.

If I click on Not connected label this is the error: immagine

This is the log that I have for Jira StopWatch if I enable it:

15/04/2019 15:18:05 Request: https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/auth/1/session
15/04/2019 15:18:05 Response: Unauthorized - {"errorMessages":["Accesso fallito"],"errors":{}}
15/04/2019 15:18:05 Try to re-authenticate
15/04/2019 15:18:05 Request: https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/auth/1/session
15/04/2019 15:18:06 Response: Unauthorized - {"errorMessages":["Accesso fallito"],"errors":{}}
15/04/2019 15:18:06 Request: https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/auth/1/session
15/04/2019 15:18:06 Response: Unauthorized - {"errorMessages":["Non hai effettuato l'autenticazione. L'autenticazione รจ necessaria per eseguire q
15/04/2019 15:18:06 Try to re-authenticate
15/04/2019 15:18:06 Request: https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/auth/1/session
15/04/2019 15:18:06 Response: Unauthorized - {"errorMessages":["Accesso fallito"],"errors":{}}
Killtek commented 5 years ago

Same here

mmccauley316 commented 5 years ago

Having the same issue here.

dbraaten42 commented 5 years ago

As was mentioned on a different thread https://github.com/carstengehling/jirastopwatch/issues/125 Jira is deprecating the API Stopwatch uses for auth. I assume it actually got turned off today. :(

tcbusatta commented 5 years ago

Same here...

carlclark267ds commented 5 years ago

We have also run into this issue.

This document (https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/jira-rest-api-basic-authentication/) describes how basic auth will no longer support passwords but does indicate that it will support API Tokens.

API tokens for a user can be created here https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens.

In theory changing the password to an API token should allow connection. However, Jira StopWatch appears to be passing the credentials as part of a request body as opposed to a normal Authorization HTTP header.

We have managed to update the code to include the HTTP header and have got it up and running, we will test it for a while to ensure it's working.

carlclark267ds commented 5 years ago

I have committed our codes changes into a fork of the code if anyone needs to grab a copy - https://github.com/carlclark267ds/jirastopwatch.

bluish5 commented 5 years ago

Thank you Carl! I downloaded your fork, compiled it and run. I created an API token and set in Jira StopWatch, but I still cannot connect and in the log I find:

16/04/2019 10:52:29 Request: https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/auth/1/session
16/04/2019 10:52:30 Response: Unauthorized - 


    <title>Unauthorized (401)</title>

<!--[if IE]><![endif]-->
16/04/2019 10:52:30 Try to re-authenticate
16/04/2019 10:52:30 Request: https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/auth/1/session
16/04/2019 10:52:30 Response: Unauthorized - 


    <title>Unauthorized (401)</title>

<!--[if IE]><![endif]-->
<script type="text/javascript" >
    var contextPath = '';
    var DeferScripts = { deferState: 'disabled' };
16/04/2019 10:52:30 Request: https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/auth/1/session
16/04/2019 10:52:31 Response: Unauthorized - 


    <title>Unauthorized (401)</title>

<!--[if IE]><![endif]-->
16/04/2019 10:52:31 Try to re-authenticate
16/04/2019 10:52:31 Request: https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/auth/1/session
16/04/2019 10:52:31 Response: Unauthorized - 


    <title>Unauthorized (401)</title>

<!--[if IE]><![endif]-->
<script type="text/javascript" >
    var contextPath = '';
    var DeferScripts = { deferState: 'disabled' };
eliaspdev commented 5 years ago

Same issue.

bluish5 commented 5 years ago

I found the problem: I was using my username instead of my email (I suggest to change the second label from "Username" to "Email", in settings form).

Summarizing, you should download Carl's fork of Jira StopWatch, compile it in Visual Studio and install it. Then in its settings form set your email and the token, that you generate following the link in the form itself. If you have problems compiling in Visual Studio, here you have the compiled program!

Thank you so much Carl!

tcbusatta commented 5 years ago

Thanks Carl and bluish5, it's working! There is just a little issue: the filter is not working properly for me. Instead of showing only my issues in "My open issues", it shows all sprint issues.

bluish5 commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue with filters.

But at least now we can commit work logs ;)

8khan commented 5 years ago

i think its a windows issue, because i usually dont reboot my laptop until today i can use jirastopwatch, but today i reboot my laptop to install some windows updates after that jirastopwatch dont connect :(

i hope it help to solve that issue

carlclark267ds commented 5 years ago

@bluish5 - You're correct with the email address instead of the username. I will make the change to the label on the form. Thanks.

@8khan it's not a Windows issue, definitely a code issue.

@bluish5 and @tcbusatta change to the filter is unexpected, I will have a look as soon as I can.

carlclark267ds commented 5 years ago

I will look at dropping the executable version today for those who don't want to build it in Visual Studio.

8khan commented 5 years ago

@carlclark267ds mmm ok, but its so mysterious because jirestopwatch didnt fail until windows update :/ coincidence maybe?

miber74 commented 5 years ago

@carlclark267ds thanks for the fix and @bluish5 thanks for the executable. Great to have StopWatch running again. @8khan I assume that your are kept authenticated as long as you are still logged in to Windows but you loose that when rebooting. I have colleagues that are still fine with previous version of StopWatch and they haven't rebooted.

carstengehling commented 5 years ago

@carlclark267ds If you could send me a pull request, I will be happy to merge it in and send out an "official" release.

My time for the project has diminished a lot, but it would be sad to see the entire thing fade out just because of authentication. Especially as seeing that a lot of people like it so much.

jamienrogers commented 5 years ago

@carstengehling So looking forward to the "official release". Can't work without my adored Jira StopWatch.

8khan commented 5 years ago

@miber74 maybe you have a good point.

@carstengehling thanks by the initiative of a official release

cghaws commented 5 years ago

@carstengehling , @carlclark267ds , is there any update on this? we'd love to see that official release soon.

bellamatte commented 5 years ago

Hi @carstengehling, I've made a pull request to solve this issue (see #139).

cristiancarraro commented 5 years ago

thank you very much @carlclark267ds . Genius!

Tarekajaj commented 5 years ago

Thanks @bluish5 & @carlclark267ds, Any update regarding issue with filters ?

jamienrogers commented 5 years ago

Any updates on the new version? @carstengehling

carlclark267ds commented 5 years ago

@carstengehling , @bluish5 , @jamienrogers , @cristiancarraro - hi all. Apologies I was on leave last week I will look into submitting pull request today/tomorrow.

jamienrogers commented 5 years ago

@carlclark267ds thank you! Any updates?

carstengehling commented 5 years ago

Sorry to be so late with this, but I finally found the time to add the pull reuest from @bellamatte - thank you a lot for this!

Please get the latest release at https://github.com/carstengehling/jirastopwatch/releases/latest and you should be good to go again.

Tarekajaj commented 5 years ago

@carstengehling Thank you very much