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Rewrite HTTP headers in nginx configuration #63

Closed vilhelmprytz closed 4 years ago

vilhelmprytz commented 4 years ago

The default Set-Cookie header in Flask is not really secure. I've added the SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE variable within Flask (which makes sure the cookies are only present over HTTPS connections, client-side) but I also want to limit the cookie to a specific domain name (prevents cross-site requests, to some extent).

There is an option to do this within Flask, but I don't think it's compatible with the Flask-Session module we're using.

So I've configured Nginx to rewrite the HTTP header from the UWSGI response before the request is then finally sent to the user. I also made a copy of the default nginx.conf with HTTP only (only for testing, I used it to test the header rewrite). The rewrite basically just add SameSite=Strict to the Set-Cookie header from UWSGI.

The only backside of this is that it also applies to static content. So requesting the /static/css/style.css stylesheet also returns the Set-Cookie header but with only SameSite=Strict (so it isn't actually setting any cookies).

Let me know if it works.

einarpersson commented 4 years ago

Let's try it :)