tullinge / booking

🎫 Bokningssystem för allaktivitetsdag
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Add leader on create activity page #65

Open einarpersson opened 4 years ago

einarpersson commented 4 years ago

Currently the admin has to first create the activity, and then go into a subpage to add a activity leader email. It would be a nicer user flow if it could be done on the same page, wouldn't it?



vilhelmprytz commented 4 years ago

I could see why it would contribute to a better user interface, but if UI was a priority in this project there are a lot, far more significant, changes I would make other parts of the interface.

If this is something that we feel is necessary to work on, It could definitely be implemented without difficulty. Otherwise, I feel this is something that shouldn't be prioritized and maybe put aside to the future development of the project as a long-term application.