tum-ei-eda / mlonmcu

Tool for the deployment and analysis of TinyML applications on TFLM and MicroTVM backends
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Declare combinations of features and configs on the command line #62

Closed PhilippvK closed 2 years ago

PhilippvK commented 2 years ago

A current limitation of the MLonMCU command line interface mlonmcu flow run is that all the supplied features and configs are applied globally to all created runs. Such an issue does not exist for the Python API.

The workaround for the described problem would be to either use the Python API or run multiple mlonmcu flow run commands after each other. The latter approach has the disadvantage that the runs can not be parallelized which may be relevant depending on the number of specified runs.

Let's discuss if we should get rid of this limitation. Here is my proposal:

Example usage

mlonmcu flow run tinymlperf --backend tflmi --target spike --target ovpsim --parallel=8 \
                                            --feature validate --feature debug --config foo=bar \
                                            --features _ muriscvnn cmsisnn \
                                            --configs vext.vlen=64 vext.vlen=128 vext.vlen=256


rafzi commented 2 years ago

Thanks for putting some thought into this!

Your proposal looks good to me.

Your idea to solve limitation 1 seems reasonable.

We could use the possibility to pass multiple arguments for --configs to mitigate limitation 2 by treating each arguments as seperate multiplicative combination. In the example

--features _ muriscvnn cmsisnn --configs vext.vlen=64 vext.vlen=128 vext.vlen=256 --configs _ tvmaot.target_device=arm_cpu

we would get 3x3x2 runs. Incompatible combinations should only produce an error on the runs, not the whole command. I was not yet aware of specifying multiple --targets. Does that also work with backends? How is it handled so far if some config/feature is not available for some backends/targets? Should we then for consistency also allow --target spike ovpsim?

The naming should probably be more explicit. How about --feature_combinations or --add_feature_combinations. Or we go another way by treating everything as combinations by default (like we already do with backend/target?) and add parameters for always-applied options - maybe --fixed_config.

PhilippvK commented 2 years ago

@rafzi Thank you for your feedback!

I agree that some consistency would be nice.

We could use the possibility to pass multiple arguments for --configs to mitigate limitation 2 by treating each arguments as seperate multiplicative combination. In the example

Good idea!

Does that also work with backends?

As there are no incompatible combinations of targets and backends you can specify as many --target and --backend flags a you want in a single command.

Should we then for consistency also allow --target spike ovpsim?

This would be an option. However argparse might fail to parse sometimes with the arguments a bad way given that the number of arguments required by those flags is not fixed. See this example:

mlonmcu flow run sine_model --backend tflmi tvmaot  # works

mlonmcu flow run --backend tflmi tvmaot -v sine_model  # works

mlonmcu flow run --backend tflmi tvmaot sine_model  # does not work. Is sine_model a backend or a model?

mlonmcu flow run --backend tflmi tvmaot - sine_model  # Solution for the above issue

I agree that this issue exists anyway however as more we rely on those nargs="+" arguments the more likely it gets to run into this kind of stuff. As shown above there are proper workarounds for this (separating the models with and - or further arguments) so if we ant to support this, that should be possible.

The naming should probably be more explicit. How about --feature_combinations or --add_feature_combinations. Or we go another way by treating everything as combinations by default (like we already do with backend/target?) and add parameters for always-applied options - maybe --fixed_config.

I think we can agree on a good naming. I am open for those proposals but would prefer if the shorthand flag for the global configs would still be (-c) which is way more comfortable to type.

PhilippvK commented 2 years ago

Incompatible combinations should only produce an error on the runs, not the whole command

Error occurring during the run will result in a Failing column being added to the report. If there was at least one failing run in the report, the return code of mlonmcu flow run is going to be non-zero. We could change this behavior if required. The initialization of features happens before the processing of the run an thus result in exceptions/assertions which might not be catched properly. So maybe we need to distinguish between incompatible and failing runs in the end.

How is it handled so far if some config/feature is not available for some backends/targets?

Configs which do not apply to a given component (feature/target/backend/...) are just ignored.

PhilippvK commented 2 years ago

For now i will just go with the flags --feature-gen and --config-gen.

PhilippvK commented 2 years ago

Will merge into main later