Bulk / overview ticket for all issues that didn't fit anywhere else.
When working on new tickets please consider their priority.
74 [Events] Subscription
69 [Bug] Bug: No CoAP Communication Possible
#9 [Build fails] Cannot build wade because node-aead-crypto is not installed#10 [Build fails] The vuex dependency leads to errors at building in Version 3.1.2
20 [Interface Generation] Pasting MQTT TD doesn't generate the interface when configuration is not done
2 [structure] Renaming components
16 [ci] Create CI pipelines
59 [General] Adding meta interactions
71 [URI Bar] CoAP TDs cannot be fetched
#72 [Built] Built binary logo
34 [Names] Basic validation for naming of TD / Folder / Mashup
37 [Validation] Validating interaction response data schema: Error Message
41 [Results] Improve error handling
#7 Add prettyfier
8 Make selection of specific form element available
Bulk / overview ticket for all issues that didn't fit anywhere else.
When working on new tickets please consider their priority.
74 [Events] Subscription
69 [Bug] Bug: No CoAP Communication Possible
#9 [Build fails] Cannot build wade because node-aead-crypto is not installed#10 [Build fails] The vuex dependency leads to errors at building in Version 3.1.220 [Interface Generation] Pasting MQTT TD doesn't generate the interface when configuration is not done
2 [structure] Renaming components
16 [ci] Create CI pipelines
59 [General] Adding meta interactions
71 [URI Bar] CoAP TDs cannot be fetched
#72 [Built] Built binary logoEnhancement:
34 [Names] Basic validation for naming of TD / Folder / Mashup
37 [Validation] Validating interaction response data schema: Error Message
41 [Results] Improve error handling
#7 Add prettyfier8 Make selection of specific form element available