tum-pbs / PhiFlow

A differentiable PDE solving framework for machine learning
MIT License
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JIT compile moving obstacles #106

Closed KarlisFre closed 1 year ago

KarlisFre commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for your great fluid simulation package!

Is it possible to use @math.jit_compile when simulation involves moving obstacles? Currently, it becomes much slower and gives a warning: WARNING:tensorflow:6 out of the last 6 calls to <function JitFunction._jit_compile..jit_f_native at 0x7fa7a14e31f0> triggered tf.function retracing. With static obstacles jit_compile works great and gives significant speedup. See code below which is adapted from the demo example:

from phi.tf.flow import *
DOMAIN = dict(x=30, y=30)
DT = 0.1

def move_obstacle(obs: Obstacle):
    if (obs.geometry.center[0]) > 35:
        new_geometry = Box(x=(-6, 0), y=(10, 16))
        new_geometry = obs.geometry.shifted([1. * DT, 0])
    return obs.copied_with(geometry=new_geometry)

obstacle = Obstacle(Box(x=(5, 11), y=(10, 16)), velocity=[1., 0], angular_velocity=tensor(0,))
velocity = StaggeredGrid(0, extrapolation.ZERO, **DOMAIN)
obstacle_mask = CenteredGrid(HardGeometryMask(obstacle.geometry), extrapolation.BOUNDARY, **DOMAIN)
pressure = None

def step(velocity, obstacle):
    velocity = advect.mac_cormack(velocity, velocity, DT)
    velocity, pressure = fluid.make_incompressible(velocity, (obstacle,))
    return velocity, pressure

for _ in view(velocity, obstacle_mask, play=True, namespace=globals(), port=6006).range():
    obstacle = move_obstacle(obstacle)
    velocity, pressure = step(velocity, obstacle)
    fluid.masked_laplace.tracers.clear()  # we will need to retrace because the matrix changes each step. This is not needed when JIT-compiling the physics.
    obstacle_mask = HardGeometryMask(obstacle.geometry) @ pressure
holl- commented 1 year ago

Yes, this is supposed to work. However, the Obstacle class does not currently support function transformations. Try passing the geometry to the function and constructing the Obstacle inside.

KarlisFre commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately this does not compile:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/flow_control/moving_obstacle.py", line 15, in velocity, pressure = step(velocity, object) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/phi/math/_functional.py", line 194, in call self.traces[key] = self._jit_compile(key) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/phi/math/_functional.py", line 171, in _jit_compile PHI_LOGGER.debug(f"Φ-jit: '{f_name(self.f)}' called with new key. shapes={[s.volume for s in in_key.shapes]}, args={in_key.tree}") File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/phi/geom/_box.py", line 298, in repr if self.shape.non_channel.volume == 1: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'non_channel'

from phi.tf.flow import *

DOMAIN = dict(x=30, y=30)
DT = 0.1
object = Box(x=(5, 11), y=(10, 16))

def step(velocity, object_geometry):
    obstacle = Obstacle(object_geometry, velocity=[1., 0], angular_velocity=tensor(0, ))
    velocity = advect.mac_cormack(velocity, velocity, DT)
    velocity, pressure = fluid.make_incompressible(velocity, (obstacle,))
    return velocity, pressure

velocity = StaggeredGrid(0, extrapolation.ZERO, **DOMAIN)
velocity, pressure = step(velocity, object)
obstacle_mask = HardGeometryMask(object) @ pressure

def move_obstacle(geometry):
    if (geometry.center[0]) > 35:
        new_geometry = Box(x=(-6, 0), y=(10, 16))
        new_geometry = geometry.shifted([1. * DT, 0])
    return new_geometry

for _ in view(velocity, obstacle_mask, play=True, namespace=globals(), port=6006).range():
    object = move_obstacle(object)
    velocity, pressure = step(velocity, object)
    fluid.masked_laplace.tracers.clear()  # we will need to retrace because the matrix changes each step. This is not needed when JIT-compiling the physics.
    obstacle_mask = HardGeometryMask(object) @ pressure
holl- commented 1 year ago

I've pushed a fix to 2.3-develop. Your original version should now work after removing the line fluid.masked_laplace.tracers.clear(). Install 2.3-develop by running

$ pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/tum-pbs/PhiFlow@2.3-develop