tum-vision / dvo_slam

Dense Visual Odometry and SLAM
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Running dvo_slam on PR2 #11

Open iluetkeb opened 10 years ago

iluetkeb commented 10 years ago

I'm trying to run dvo_slam on the PR2, and it sort-of works, but the robot tilts when moving the camera, e.g. see bildschirmfoto vom 2014-05-20 20 08 50

It seems the problem is that dvo_slam does not expect the relationship between camera and the base link (odom_combined, in the case of the PR2) to change. I guess with your AUVs, the sensor is fixed, not mounted on a pan-tilt head ;-)

You can see everything I changed at https://github.com/iluetkeb/dvo_slam/compare/groovy-devel -- essentially, I changed I changed all occurences of "base_link_estimate" to "odom_combined", and the occurance of "asus" to the kinect_rgb_frame. There is also a launch file added with some topic remappings to use the Kinect on the PR2.

Would you think that recomputing the transformation between odom_combined and the camera frame every time would be sufficient to publish a correct transform, or are the other places I would have to change?

christiankerl commented 10 years ago

hm for the odometry (dvo_ros) this might work. I guess for the slam (dvo_slam) it doesn't work, because the map is build with respect to the position of the first image, i.e, relative to the first kinect_rgb_frame position.