tum-vision / dvo_slam

Dense Visual Odometry and SLAM
632 stars 306 forks source link

Problems of running dvo slam #14

Open originholic opened 10 years ago

originholic commented 10 years ago

Hello, I had chance to successfully build the dvo_slam, however it seems not running properly.

  1. I compile the code with ROS hydro installed Linux 12.04 precise (not sure whether it matters or not since the code is ROS Fuerte-based)
  2. I followed all the instructions in issue #5, but without any success of running the code. When I execute "rosrun dvo_slam camera_keyframe_tracker", it states started camera_tracker..., and then stopped, the [ WARN] [1355131430.132265592]: RGB image size has changed, resetting tracker!' is not showed, doesn't matter how I change the dynamic reconfigure.
  3. rostopic seems not running right when I try to echo them, it gets a similar results as #5 , but a worse rqt graph.

This is probably a fundamental issue, but I still cannot get this sorted, I have no idea where did it go wrong. Can possibly provide any suggestion to get this running?