tum-vision / dvo_slam

Dense Visual Odometry and SLAM
632 stars 306 forks source link

How to run the package? #6

Open wangzhl opened 10 years ago

wangzhl commented 10 years ago

Hi, I am a newbie to ROS. I'm wondering how to bring up the package. I tried rosrun dvo_ros camera_tracker along with rosrun dvo_slam camera_keyframe_tracker and there were some topics but no /world or /dvo_vis/cloud. When I set target frame to /world, there was a tf error. Could anyone help me out? Thank you in advance.

christiankerl commented 10 years ago

given that rosrun dvo_slam camera_keyframe_tracker connects properly to your camera's topics the /cloud topic will be published once the first keyframes get created, i.e, after moving the camera. Maybe also have a look at issue #5 explaining how to run dvo_slam on a dataset

wangzhl commented 10 years ago

thanks! So I need to bring up my kinect with other packages like openni_launch? I found there were some topics related to camera after rosrun dvo_slam camera_keyframe_tracker. Do I need to do so?

fboris commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to use rosrun dvo_slam camera_keyframe_tracker via bag dataset?