This repository is the official release of the code for the following paper "FuseNet: Incorporating Depth into Semantic Segmentation via Fusion-based CNN Architecture" which is published at the 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2016).
Hi @tum-vision @hazirbas
In paper, it says the you normalize depth map to [0,255]
Does it mean to map 16bits [0,65535] to [0,255] or to map [min,max] of the depth map to [0,255] ?
By the way, did you normalize too when only training with depth ?
Hi @tum-vision @hazirbas In paper, it says the you normalize depth map to [0,255] Does it mean to map 16bits [0,65535] to [0,255] or to map [min,max] of the depth map to [0,255] ? By the way, did you normalize too when only training with depth ?
Thank you