tum-vision / lsd_slam

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pointcloud not generated #306

Closed boonflies closed 6 years ago

boonflies commented 6 years ago

I am using an updated lsd_slam repository(made available in, https://github.com/Hypha-ROS/hypharos_ardrone_navigation/tree/master/third_parties) to publish pointcloud as ros topic. When I compared that repo with the original lsd_slam, I found the following code added,


But, when I, $ rosrun lsd_slam_viewer viewer $ rosrun lsd_slam_core live_slam image:=/ardrone/front/image_rect camera_info:=/ardrone/front/camera_info

I am not getting messages published in the /pointcloud ros topic.

What could be the reason for this? (Other users of this code, are able to get point cloud topic and are able to visualize it in RViz and create octomap). Why am I getting the /pointcloud message published?