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Cudatoolkit couldn't find #26

Closed Bobkk-k closed 2 years ago

Bobkk-k commented 2 years ago


I installed CUDAToolkit 11.1.0 as per the nvidia official website. When I ran nvcc -V, the terminal displayed the text in the first

image. I believe It means the installation is complete. However, when I ran 'cmake ..', an error happened(the second image).

Can anyone help me solve this problem?

Thank you! image


three-nine commented 2 years ago

Hi, have you solved this problem? I have the same problem too.

Bobkk-k commented 2 years ago

Hi @three-nine, Sorry to say I don't know how to solve it. If you find the method, please tell me. Thanks!

Bobkk-k commented 2 years ago

Hi @three-nine , I changed my cmake version and the error disappeared.

three-nine commented 2 years ago

@Bobkk-k Thank you very much!

wenmoqiu commented 1 year ago

Hi @Bobkk-k , What is your cmake version? Mine is 3.16 but it didn't work