tum-vision / tum_ardrone

Repository for the tum_ardrone ROS package, implementing autonomous flight with PTAM-based visual navigation for the Parrot AR.Drone.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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catkin_make error for drone_gui on Ubuntu 14.04 + ROS Indigo #78

Open azwadsabik opened 8 years ago

azwadsabik commented 8 years ago


I'm attempting to build your package using the following:

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/tum-vision/tum_ardrone.git -b indigo-devel
cd ..
rosdep install tum_ardrone

but run into the following error:

[ 69%] Built target drone_autopilot [ 89%] Built target drone_stateestimation usr/include/boost/type_traits/detail/has_binary_operator.hp:50: Parse error at "BOOST_JOIN" make[2]: * [tum_ardrone/src/UINode/moc_RosThread.cxx] Error 1 make[1]: * [tum_ardrone/CMakeFiles/drone_gui.dir/all] Error 2 make: *\ [all] Error 2 Invoking "make -j4 -l4" failed

I am unsure how to approach this - any advice?

This is on Ubuntu 14.04, and I believe I have Boost 1.54 installed.

Any help would be appreciated.

DirtOnTheWire commented 7 years ago

Hey I'm late but I just got started messing with drones. QT and boost seems to not always play nice together. In 16.04 it gets the same error because of qt5. Adding this to workaround your #include for all packages giving issues will work around qt5 since things are ported to qt5.

Basically you are adding 2 lines.

ifndef Q_MOC_RUN


It ends up looking like this in RosThread.h.

ifndef Q_MOC_RUN

include "cvd/thread.h"

include "tum_ardrone/filter_state.h"

include "std_msgs/String.h"

include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"

include "ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h"

include "ros/ros.h"

include "sensor_msgs/Joy.h"

include "std_srvs/Empty.h"

include "std_msgs/Empty.h"


shubhraD commented 7 years ago

@SpaceMingebag I had the same issue and your solution worked thanks a lot

tiralonghipol commented 6 years ago

solved my problem too ! ros-kinetic ubuntu 16.04

ashibhuvan commented 5 years ago

Worked for me! Great thank you so much @SpaceMingebag Also running ROS-KINETIC:

Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS Release: 16.04 Codename: xenial

If anyone needs the actual RosThread file that worked for compiling message me

melhazzouri commented 5 years ago

Hi I am trying to use tum_ardrone on ros kinetic. where do I add these two lines. Any help would be really appreciated!

20chix commented 5 years ago

Hi I am trying to use tum_ardrone on ros kinetic. where do I add these two lines. Any help would be really appreciated!


Fred159 commented 4 years ago

Hey I'm late but I just got started messing with drones. QT and boost seems to not always play nice together. In 16.04 it gets the same error because of qt5. Adding this to workaround your #include for all packages giving issues will work around qt5 since things are ported to qt5.

Basically you are adding 2 lines.

ifndef Q_MOC_RUN


It ends up looking like this in RosThread.h.

ifndef Q_MOC_RUN

include "cvd/thread.h"

include "tum_ardrone/filter_state.h"

include "std_msgs/String.h"

include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"

include "ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h"

include "ros/ros.h"

include "sensor_msgs/Joy.h"

include "std_srvs/Empty.h"

include "std_msgs/Empty.h"


Also work for me~ 16.04 ubuntu and ROS Kinetic. Thank you so much.