tum-vision / tum_ardrone

Repository for the tum_ardrone ROS package, implementing autonomous flight with PTAM-based visual navigation for the Parrot AR.Drone.
GNU General Public License v3.0
226 stars 192 forks source link

Port to kinetic #94

Open rdelgadov opened 6 years ago

rdelgadov commented 6 years ago


I use the solution of #78 writen by @SpaceMingebag and the package work well in ROS Kinetic in simulator.

What I need to do to make the contribution?

lesire commented 6 years ago

Hi, Contributions are very welcome!! :) Fork the repo, modify it, and create a pull request to merge it into the main repo. Thanks !

rdelgadov commented 6 years ago

Can you create the kinetic branch pls?

cyberphantom commented 6 years ago

Hi just change the RosThread.h to this

ifndef Q_MOC_RUN

include "cvd/thread.h"

include "tum_ardrone/filter_state.h"

include "std_msgs/String.h"

include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"

include "ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h"

include "ros/ros.h"

include "sensor_msgs/Joy.h"

include "std_srvs/Empty.h"

include "std_msgs/Empty.h"


as mentioned in #78

abaddriver commented 6 years ago

hi, I'm also trying to make the tum_ardrone work on kinetic. for some reason, i cant get it to compile the project: i'm following the instructions under these instructions: " cd catkin_ws/src git clone https://github.com/tum-vision/tum_ardrone.git -b hydro-devel cd .. rosdep install tum_ardrone catkin_make "

the outcome is really fast and it doesn't seem to even try to compile the package. what am i missing?

this is the output on my computer:

(cv) yoni@yoni:~/catkin_ws$ rosdep install tum_ardrone

All required rosdeps installed successfully

(cv) yoni@yoni:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make Base path: /home/yoni/catkin_ws Source space: /home/yoni/catkin_ws/src Build space: /home/yoni/catkin_ws/build Devel space: /home/yoni/catkin_ws/devel Install space: /home/yoni/catkin_ws/install

Running command: "make cmake_check_build_system" in "/home/yoni/catkin_ws/build"

Running command: "make -j4 -l4" in "/home/yoni/catkin_ws/build"

[ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_nodejs [ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_eus [ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_py [ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_lisp [ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_cpp [ 0%] Built target _of_avihay_ronly_pkg_generate_messages_check_deps_cordinate [ 28%] Built target of_avihay_ronly_pkg_generate_messages_lisp [ 28%] Built target of_avihay_ronly_pkg_generate_messages_nodejs [ 57%] Built target of_avihay_ronly_pkg_generate_messages_py [ 85%] Built target of_avihay_ronly_pkg_generate_messages_eus [100%] Built target of_avihay_ronly_pkg_generate_messages_cpp [100%] Built target of_avihay_ronly_pkg_generate_messages (cv) yoni@yoni:~/catkin_ws$

rdelgadov commented 6 years ago


Try clonning this repository in the kinetic-devel branch and do the same steps without the "-b hydro-devel"

abaddriver commented 6 years ago

@rdelgadov i tried it, and i still get the same outcome.. it's like it doesn't know about the existence of the package