tumashu / pyim

一个 emacs 中文输入法,支持全拼,双拼,五笔,仓颉和Rime,pyim 是 GNU elpa 包。
888 stars 93 forks source link

only test emacs major versions #446

Closed redguardtoo closed 2 years ago

redguardtoo commented 2 years ago

emacs的api比较稳定,测试一个大的版本就可以了. 否则CI会无缘无故的失败. 另外也可以节省一点CI服务的带宽.

tumashu commented 2 years ago


redguardtoo commented 2 years ago

我也碰到同样的问题. https://github.com/redguardtoo/emacs.d/runs/7014841266?check_suite_focus=true

估计是用的人多了.带宽不够了. 且用且珍惜吧.

redguardtoo commented 2 years ago

我觉得可以公布一个路线图,在适当的时候(如发布pyim 6.0前)停掉emacs 25的支持. emacs25已有6年历史了.

tumashu commented 2 years ago

我觉得我应该抽个时间安装一个 emacs25, 看到底pyim运行如何,毕竟许多流程当前测试还没有覆盖。

redguardtoo commented 2 years ago



大概6年前了,应该debian 8.0, debian 9都有emacs 25安装包的.

content of ~/.emacs.d/init.el,

;; A minimum .emacs to test Emacs plugins
(show-paren-mode 1)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))

;; test elisps download from internet here
(setq test-elisp-dir "~/test-elisp/")
(unless (file-exists-p (expand-file-name test-elisp-dir))
    (make-directory (expand-file-name test-elisp-dir)))

(setq load-path
        (loop for dir in (directory-files test-elisp-dir)
              unless (string-match "^\\." dir)
              collecting (expand-file-name (concat test-elisp-dir dir)))

;; package repositories
(require 'package)
;; (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://stable.melpa.org/packages/") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") t)

;; ==== put your code below this line!
tumashu commented 2 years ago

我用 evm 安装试了一下,目前 emacs25 emacs 26 都不可用,看来用这两个版本的 emacser 可能不使用 pyim, emacs 27 还没测试

redguardtoo commented 2 years ago


tumashu commented 2 years ago

我试了一下27.1, 好像可以,你那报什么错误?