tumblr / TMTumblrSDK

Unopinionated and flexible library for easily integrating Tumblr data into your iOS or OS X application.
Apache License 2.0
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Icon for TMTumblrActivity becomes black on IOS8 #68

Open ahem opened 10 years ago

ahem commented 10 years ago

IOS8 allows color icons for custom UIActivities, but it does so in a way that is not backwards compatible with the icons that should be use for UIActivities in IOS7.

For IOS7 the color information for an icon was discarded, and only the alpha value was shown in grayscale. For IOS8, color information is used and alpha is shown as black. So, unless the colored icon should have a black background, the same icon cannot be used for IOS7 and IOS8.

It would be great if you could implement a [[UIDevice currentDevice] hasSystemVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo:@"8.0"] check (or something similar) and return a colored icon for IOS8.

irace commented 9 years ago

Thanks @ahem – to be honest I'm wondering if its even worth keeping the custom UIActivity support in TMTumblrSDK, as everyone on iOS 8 should really be using our share extension now.

Tumblr for iOS is now iOS 8 only and its likely that the next major update to TMTumblrSDK will go iOS 8 only as well.

ahem commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I know. We have also stopped using this code after the Tumblr extension came out, so I guess you are right that the custom UIActivity more or less has had it's time.

stoncle commented 9 years ago

I think that UIActivity support should be kept at least for now. Since iOS 7 and previous devices still exist , so we app developers should make our apps support for these devices. Actually I am wondering if that mean we should abandon uiactivity in our future development since share extension is launched now in iOS 8?

segiddins commented 9 years ago

You can always you a previous version of the SDK if you require the UIActivity support

stoncle commented 9 years ago

It is not so cool if we have to involve more than one version of SDK in our app to support both iOS 7 and 8

irace commented 9 years ago

It is not so cool if we have to involve more than one version of SDK in our app to support both iOS 7 and 8

Understood. That said, the utility of this class is very small (only 35 lines, almost all of which is boilerplate).

I think it's reasonable to ask people to just include the UIActivity subclass and Tumblr-branded images directly in their app if they want to continue supporting a custom Tumblr activity on iOS 7, once the SDK goes 8 only (which will probably happen but not for a while still).