tumblr / collins

groovy kind of love
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Collins weirdness with lldp/lshw #105

Open sbocahu opened 10 years ago

sbocahu commented 10 years ago


Firstofall, thanks for sharing and releasing collins as open source software :)

I have struggled some time with the lshw/lldp parsing feature and I have noted this strange behaviour:


I couldn't find any information in the logs.


Any hint would be greatly appreciated !


papaben commented 10 years ago

Hi Sébastien,

I can't comment on the behavior your'e experiencing with lshw not working. However, regarding the parsing failing due to missing fields, I did experience a similar behavior with NIC cards. Here is the code that made the field optional, Default nic card to configured speed when missing in lshw. You could try something similar and submit a pull request.

--- Ben

sbocahu commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I'll look into that.

About lshw/lldp parsing: I have the same problem with curl when the asset has already been created from the api (so its not webui related)

byxorna commented 10 years ago

Hey @zecrazytux Could you provide more information about this issue? I.e. exact error messages, what status:state assets are in when they reject LSHW/LLDP, etc?

Also, have you seen http://tumblr.github.io/collins/configuration.html#features (allowedServerUpdateStatuses)? This allows you to tune collins to accept lshw/lldp submissions in states other than maintenance and incomplete: allowedServerUpdateStatuses = [ INCOMPLETE, NEW, PROVISIONED, PROVISIONING ]. This may help resolve your issue.