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[whishlist] Globbing support for encryptedTags #106

Open sbocahu opened 10 years ago

sbocahu commented 10 years ago

It would be nice to have some globbing support for encryptedTags. That would permit to securely store per host private information, such as passwords, for later use as "variables" in deployment systems (automated tags). (For example, mysql root password for an automated mysql installation from puppet)

For example:

features { encryptedTags = ["private_*"] }

Would store any tag beginning with private_ encrypted.

I'll have a look to see if I can add this feature myself, but any criticizing or help would be greatly appreciated, of course :)

Thanks !

william-richard commented 10 years ago

I think the way that we have it now, where you can set the tags to be encrypted in your config file, is good. If you really want this feature, we welcome a pull request.