# curl --basic -u blake:admin:first -d nuke=true -X DELETE http://localhost:9000/api/asset/testswitch {"status":"error","data":{"message":"Reason must be specified."}}
Same counts for decommissioning
# curl --basic -u blake:admin:first -d status='Decommissioned' -X POST http://localhost:9000/api/asset/testswitch {"status":"error","data":{"message":"No reason for the status change was specified."}}
Adding -d reason="foobar" makes the API call work for both actions.
Following the curl examples on
I expect the API to delete my asset with
# curl --basic -u blake:admin:first -d nuke=true -X DELETE http://localhost:9000/api/asset/testswitch {"status":"error","data":{"message":"Reason must be specified."}}
Same counts for decommissioning
# curl --basic -u blake:admin:first -d status='Decommissioned' -X POST http://localhost:9000/api/asset/testswitch {"status":"error","data":{"message":"No reason for the status change was specified."}}
Adding -d reason="foobar" makes the API call work for both actions.
# curl --basic -u blake:admin:first -d status='Decommissioned' -d reason='foobar' -X POST http://localhost:9000/api/asset/testswitch {"status":"success:ok","data":{"SUCCESS":true}}
curl --basic -u blake:admin:first -d nuke=true -d reason='foobar' -X DELETE http://localhost:9000/api/asset/testswitch {"status":"success:ok","data":{"SUCCESS":true}}
Please fix documentation.
Thanks in advance and best regards