tumblr / pytumblr

A Python Tumblr API v2 Client
Apache License 2.0
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"It did not work" Error 401 #103

Closed isaac2lord closed 6 years ago

isaac2lord commented 6 years ago

I just installed the module and guess successfully create app in tumblr website, but received an odd error calling followers method:


{'user': {'blogs': [{'admin': True, 'ask': False, 'ask_anon': False, 'ask_page_title': 'Ask me anything', 'can_send_fan_mail': True, 'can_subscribe': False, 'description': '', 'drafts': 0, 'facebook': 'N', 'facebook_opengraph_enabled': 'N', 'followed': False, 'followers': 0, 'is_adult': False, 'is_blocked_from_primary': False, 'is_nsfw': False, 'likes': 0, 'messages': 0, 'name': 'isaac2lord', ...


{'errors': [{'detail': 'It did not work', 'title': 'Unauthorized'}], 'meta': {'msg': 'Unauthorized', 'status': 401}, 'response': []}

'd appreciate any word of wisdom anyone can share.

zcherries commented 6 years ago

Blog owners can choose whether to show who they're following or not. I'm guessing it's because they aren't sharing that data, and therefore you can't see who they're following.

isaac2lord commented 6 years ago

Have tried on couple of other examples but none works. Am interested to see a single example that would work with .followers method.

jasonpenny commented 6 years ago

The followers api is available for you to find out who is following a blog you own or one that you are a member of. If you own, for example, https://isaacsh.tumblr.com/ then you should not get an error when retrieving followers for that blog.

isaac2lord commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jasonpenny, didn't know that. Do we have an endpoint that shows someone's else followers count/info, as in GET followers/ids in TW?

jasonpenny commented 6 years ago

Sorry, @Isaacsh I don't think there is an endpoint that shows that for blogs that you are not a member/owner of