tumblr / pytumblr

A Python Tumblr API v2 Client
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to print readable formatted output? #122

Closed tehgarra closed 5 years ago

tehgarra commented 5 years ago

Through the test console on tumblr website, it looks properly formatted, but just displays a long line of code in ide and standalone console.

ievans3024 commented 5 years ago

The json returned by the API is not "pretty-printed", this is to save bytes added by newlines and spaces. The pytumblr library just dumps this json into a dict object, and dictionaries are not typically "pretty printed" by coding tools. If you want a pretty-printed format, here's an example in the standard python REPL:

>>> import json
>>> from pytumblr import TumblrRestClient
>>> c = TumblrRestClient('YOUR API KEY HERE')
>>> blog_info = c.blog_info('staff.tumblr.com')
>>> formatted = json.dumps(blog_info, indent=2)  # indent with 2 spaces
>>> print(formatted)  # print to show newlines instead of '\n'
  "blog": {
    "ask": false,
    "ask_anon": false,
    "ask_page_title": "",
    "can_subscribe": false,
    "description": "",
    "is_nsfw": false,
    "name": "staff",
    "posts": 2338,
    "share_likes": false,
    "subscribed": false,
    "title": "Tumblr Staff",
    "total_posts": 2338,
    "updated": 1543858264,
    "url": "https://staff.tumblr.com/",
    "uuid": "t:0aY0xL2Fi1OFJg4YxpmegQ",
    "is_optout_ads": true
tehgarra commented 5 years ago

Thank you!