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IfcAdvancedBrep for example file cube-advanced-brep #462

Closed christophKaiser closed 2 years ago

christophKaiser commented 3 years ago

In this pull request, IfcAdvancedBrep will be implemented to run the example file cube-advanced-brep.ifc. This includes the implementation and adjustment of a few other functions, too. A rough overview of the involved functions was given in a comment in the corresponding issue #60.

Finally, this PR will close #60. Probably, issue #58 could be closed, as well. However, this will be investigated at the right time in future. [currently, the non-linked issue is intended]

UPDATE 21.02.2022: This PR will close #58, as well.

christophKaiser commented 3 years ago

While I have analysed the function convertIfcFaceList in commit 346e611 and 032606c, I came over a 'TODO Stefan': https://github.com/tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform/blob/1f1fc35d5c265a7c28675fe82872cd1a7595dfac/Core/src/IfcGeometryConverter/FaceConverter.h#L750-L766 (Note: The cited code is without the new changes.)

It was added in commit 2aec12f last summer. However, I wasn't able to find more information about that. Currently, the function does its purposed task.

@pjanck Should I leave that comment there for the moment, or can you give me more information about it?

My next task in this PR will be an analyse of the function convertIfcFace. This will lead in a (probably) small refactoring of this function and the implementation of its subtype IfcFaceSurface, which is the supertype of IfcAdvancedFace (which I will need at the end).

pjanck commented 3 years ago

Good analysis of the task!

  1. About the TODO Stefan: no idea what I meant there. If the function does its task, you can safely delete it.
  2. You can change the for loop to for( const auto& face : faces ) - perhaps that was the only purpose of the TODO?
  3. convertIfcFace - it seems that the function returns bool - this can be changed to be more in parallel with other functions. I trust you here to judge by yourself what to do. Perhaps it is needed, that a bool is returned. In case of doubt, ask.
christophKaiser commented 3 years ago

[Refactoring of convertIfcFace is still in process.]

Like promised in commit 3ae4b05 “Fixed semi-bug of double triangulation of triangular ifcFaceBound”, this comment gives more details about the fixed issue – especially screenshots of an example.

Before this commit, faces with an exactly triangular bound loop (ifcFaceBound) were added twice to the variable polygon (of type PolyhedronData). First, the triangle face was added in the if-block if (loopVertices3D.size() == 3) (in convertIfcFace). The second adding occurred inside of the function triangulateFace which is called in convertIfcFace. This became implicitly visible by the variable polygon.faceCount, respectively polygon.faceIndices. Moreover, the first adding has not gave respect to holes inside the outer triangle bound, respectively they were covered by the first added triangle face as shown in the following screenshot: screenshot fix double triangles 1 before

After this fix, the code decides between the case of only one triangular bound loop without an inner bound (= hole), and the case of an arbitrary number of vertices and / or holes inside the face. Now, the hole in my example is visible: screenshot fix double triangles 2 after

The relevant ifc-data of my example:

#38= IFCFACE((#202,#203));

#203= IFCFACEBOUND(#367,.T.);

#366= IFCPOLYLOOP((#527,#526,#606));
#367= IFCPOLYLOOP((#528,#608,#529));

#526= IFCCARTESIANPOINT((0.,0.,0.));
#527= IFCCARTESIANPOINT((1000.,0.,0.));
#606= IFCCARTESIANPOINT((0.,1000.,0.));

#528= IFCCARTESIANPOINT((250.,250.,0.));
#529= IFCCARTESIANPOINT((500.,250.,0.));
#608= IFCCARTESIANPOINT((250.,500.,0.));
christophKaiser commented 3 years ago

The refactoring of the function convertIfcFace is done - at least for the moment. (Of course, the doxygen-comments will be updated soon.) Maybe, its sub-function addArbitraryFaceToPolyhedronData could still need some effort.

Next, I will implement the functions for IfcFaceSurface and IfcAdvancedFace (both are sub-types of IfcFace). During or after this, I can probably decide whether [parts of] addArbitraryFaceToPolyhedronData could be reused there.

christophKaiser commented 3 years ago

Currently, the function convertIfcFaceBound and its superfunction convertIfcFaceBoundList are implemented in the class FaceConverter and are called only by the function convertIfcFace. However, the entity IfcFaceBound is a subtype of IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem (according to the documentation). Thus, should they be implemented in the class ReprestationConverter (shift the existing code into that place) and be called by the function convertIfcTopologicalRepresentationItem as well?

pjanck commented 3 years ago
christophKaiser commented 3 years ago
* call appropriately from the `convertIfcTopologicalRepresentationItem` function - representationConverter has a faceConverter as a member (see e.g. the `convertIfcGeometricRepresentationItem`)

Done in commit 5c2770c (IfcFaceBound). I have observed the same issue with IfcFace and IfcLoop. The calls are added similar in commits 54e028b and 01a3edc.

pjanck commented 3 years ago

I have observed the same issue with IfcFace and IfcLoop.

Very good! If you wish, you can look into IfcVertex as well. Should be easy to put together and some functionality should be already present in the converters.

christophKaiser commented 3 years ago

Very good! If you wish, you can look into IfcVertex as well. Should be easy to put together and some functionality should be already present in the converters.

IfcVertex with IfcVertexPoint are already on my agenda - they are used by the example file cube-advanced-brep. I will come to them after some effort into IfcLoop (with subtypes).

christophKaiser commented 3 years ago

The current pushes implement the functions to convert an IfcAdvancedFace. Surprisingly, the visual result does not look wrong:

210924 MidtermResult cube 210924 MidtermResult basin

I'm surprised because there is a bunch of functions and ifc-entities on my agenda, where I want to take a detailed look into - for example convertIfcLoop. Maybe, they actually do the right things, or it's just luck to get right looking results. Furthermore, in those subfunctions a few ToDo's have been there before the start of this pull request.

Besides that, in the current work are a few things, which might need some rework and additions, like:

christophKaiser commented 2 years ago

Beside small adjustments (commits 2034c1c, bc916f2, b59dcb3, 100c1e1, ef67c56), the structure of functions which are called from convertIfcFace was reordered: A new function computeIfcFaceSurface was introduced in commit b9d8d5d. This function is separated, because it is called by convertIfcFaceSurface and convertIfcAdvancedFace (see calls in commits b9d8d5d and 25d2800) - in both cases it has to do the same computation. In commit 86f6db6, the parameter faceBoundLoops was removed and replaced by the appropriate function call at the location when it is needed. Previously, the function mergePolyhedronsIntoOnePolyhedron has put together several polyhedrons into one polyhedron, but without a topological merge. The result was like a few LEGO bricks in one bowl without sticked together. Now with commit 88e11fe, the existing mesh points are taken into account. If a point (respectively its coordinates) already exists in the target mesh, the existing point will be reused - in this way, several meshes are connected topological. In the example above, the several LEGO bricks in the bowl are sticked together. Doxygen-comments were added in commit 97efdce.

Commits 34b0b46 and 1cb442c added two functions check whether the points of the boundary loop exist in the surface mesh. If not all boundary loop points are in the surface, a warning is displayed in the console output. Its purpose is to indicate, whether the calculated geometry could be wrong (but don't has to be) - especially in the case when the surface should be trimmed by the boundary (but it isn't, due to a missing functionality). The example file basin-advanced-brep.ifc works fine with that. However, this warning is raised in the example cube-advanced-brep.ifc, where it shouldn't. It's caused by a default precision of 1.49e-08 (from GeomSettings->getPrecision, fix value in carve), which is to tight. If the precision of 1.0e-4 from this specifc ifc-file is used (defined in the entity IfcGeometricRepresentationContext), this problem will not occur - an appropriate ToDo is already in the code: https://github.com/tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform/blob/025cf1713a7d8a39d24ac58822d7b8c7e7a1aa03/Core/src/IfcGeometryConverter/GeometrySettings.cpp#L102

Beside this aesthetical issue, this pull request has reached its intended functionality (as communicated in dev-meetings). As indicated in the previous section, the trimming of the face surface by the boundary loop is not implemented. This problem will be explained in more detail in a new issue. Furthermore, the attribute sameSense (see in function computeIfcFaceSurface) is not considered, an appropriate ToDo is left in the code. This attribute affects the normal direction of the faces. At least with the current shading settings in OIP, the normal direction has no visible impact.

Before merge, three ToDo's left on my side:

UPDATE 21.02.2022: Updated check boxes of ToDo's.

pjanck commented 2 years ago

Please mark it as ready for review, then I'll go through the code once more.

christophKaiser commented 2 years ago

Commit ac64eb1 updates the Doxygen comments, which are related to the parameters polyhedron and polyhedronIndices.

A detailed explanation about these parameters is in the description of the function convertIfcFace. As shown in the screenshot below, this section is separated with a bold header: doxygen_description

Furthermore, all functions which have polyhedron and polyhedronIndices as parameter refer to this description by the Doxygen command \see. This generates the section 'See also', as shown in the screenshot: doxygen_seeAlso