tumerorkun / react-leaflet-search

React component for search lat lng on leaflet
MIT License
42 stars 34 forks source link

React Leaflet V3 #40

Open abewartech opened 3 years ago

abewartech commented 3 years ago

Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null at Module../node_modules/react-leaflet-search/lib/ReactLeafletSearch.js

debonx commented 3 years ago

Any news about V3 integration?

AndrejGajdos commented 3 years ago


tnanhpt commented 3 years ago


dtropp commented 3 years ago


mrShahsafi commented 3 years ago

'MapControl' is not exported from 'react-leaflet'.

matburnham commented 3 years ago

I started looking into this, but it's not as trivial as I first thought.

It looks like the new way of doing things is that react-leaflet-search needs to be a Child component. Child components can only be used as descendants of a MapContainer component. As-in, a descendant in HTML tag terms, not inheritance.

So, one could inherit from a Component rather than a MapControl. But then you need to get access to the Leaflet map object, which seems to be via a useRef hook (https://react-leaflet.js.org/docs/api-components#referenceable-behavior) unless there's another way. You'd also need to reimplement the (small amount of) location logic in the original MapControl class.

There's likely a bit more to it than that, so I'm parking this for my use-case for now, as I've ended up six levels deep trying to fix a different issue...

pranav-ted commented 3 years ago


mrShahsafi commented 3 years ago

thanks @pranav-ted

Gabriel-Almeida-Ajax commented 3 years ago

thanks @pranav-ted

SalahAdDin commented 2 years ago


It does not include all the options we have here and it also is weak on types.

socketopp commented 2 years ago

Any progress on this?

export 'MapControl' (imported as 'MapControl') was not found in 'react-leaflet' (possible exports: AttributionControl, Circle, CircleMarker, FeatureGroup, GeoJSON, ImageOverlay, LayerGroup, LayersControl, MapContainer, Marker, Pane, Polygon, Polyline, Popup, Rectangle, SVGOverlay, ScaleControl, TileLayer, Tooltip, VideoOverlay, WMSTileLayer, ZoomControl, useMap, useMapEvent, useMapEvents)

ERROR in ./node_modules/react-leaflet-search/lib/Search-v2.js 3:15-26
export 'withLeaflet' (imported as 'withLeaflet') was not found in 'react-leaflet' (possible exports: AttributionControl, Circle, CircleMarker, FeatureGroup, GeoJSON, ImageOverlay, LayerGroup, LayersControl, MapContainer, Marker, Pane, Polygon, Polyline, Popup, Rectangle, SVGOverlay, ScaleControl, TileLayer, Tooltip, VideoOverlay, WMSTileLayer, ZoomControl, useMap, useMapEvent, useMapEvents)