tumic0 / GPXSee-maps

GPXSee maps
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FR IGN maps don't work #25

Closed Lambik closed 5 years ago

Lambik commented 5 years ago


When loading either of the two Europe - FR - IGN map xmls, I get the error:

Error loading map:


Error downloading capabilities XML file

Maybe they changed url?

sikmir commented 5 years ago

Yes, looks like urls changed:


But some key required now:

$ curl "https://wxs.ign.fr/an7nvfzojv5wa96dsga5nk8w/geoportail/wmts?service=WMTS&Version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities"
<ExceptionReport><Exception exceptionCode="MissingParameter">Key does not exist or has expired</Exception></ExceptionReport>
tumic0 commented 5 years ago

http://professionnels.ign.fr/migration-geoportail Probably a temporary issue, seems to work now.

eddy-geek commented 3 years ago

It's broken again?

.local/share/gpxsee/maps/IGN-maps.xml: GEOGRAPHICALGRIDSYSTEMS.MAPS: layer not provided

ORTHO works, and I believe it's a permission issue again:

but I tried to change to <url>https://wxs.ign.fr/an7nvfzojv5wa96dsga5nk8w/geoportail/wmts</url> without success

eddy-geek commented 3 years ago

For MOBAC France-IGN-Rando.bsh they add a User-Agent (in addition to the API key), not sure if that's what's making the difference.