tumic0 / GPXSee-maps

GPXSee maps
The Unlicense
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Added GSI basemap of Japan #34

Closed sikmir closed 4 years ago

sikmir commented 4 years ago

Homepage: https://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp Terms of use:

地理院タイルをウェブサイトやソフトウェア、アプリケーション上でリアルタイムに読み込んで利用する場合、地理院タイルは出典の明示のみで申請不要でご利用いただけます。 出典は、「国土地理院」または「地理院タイル」等と記載していただき、地理院タイル一覧ページ https://maps.gsi.go.jp/development/ichiran.html へのリンクを付けてください。

If you want to use the Geographical Institution tile on a website, software, or application in real time, you can use the Geographical Institution tile without specifying the source. The source should be described as “Geographical Survey Institute” or “Geographical Institute Tile”, etc., with a link to the Geographical Survey Institute Tile List Page please.

Zooms 5~8 require additional copyright statements:

尚、本地図(小縮尺地図(500万分1日本とその周辺))を利用する場合は、「国土地理院コンテンツ利用規約」で定める方法での出所明示に加え、以下の出所も合わせて明示してください。 「The bathymetric contours are derived from those contained within the GEBCO Digital Atlas, published by the BODC on behalf of IOC and IHO (2003) (http://www.gebco.net) 海上保安庁許可第292502号(水路業務法第25条に基づく類似刊行物)」 Shoreline data is derived from: United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. "Vector Map Level 0 (VMAP0)." Bethesda, MD: Denver, CO: The Agency; USGS Information Services, 1997.


tumic0 commented 4 years ago

According to the description the map shall provide layers < 9 (I can't test it myself at the moment as I'm "out of office" (PC)), but there is 9 as the minimal zoom in the xml. Is it because of the additional copyright statement? That could be put to the copyright field as well, some other maps have multiple sources there as well.

(I know that the copyright strings should be somehow accessible in GPXSee, ideally on the map itselve, to be 100% compliant with some maps terms of use, but no one has complained so far... In case of this extra repository it may be even 100% cosher as the only thing that is distributed - the xml - contains all the required info)

sikmir commented 4 years ago

Is it because of the additional copyright statement?

Yes, that's the reason. OK, I've added "U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)" and enabled zooms 5~9.