tumic0 / GPXSee-maps

GPXSee maps
The Unlicense
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MapTiler broken? #62

Closed eddy-geek closed 1 year ago

eddy-geek commented 1 year ago

Is https://github.com/tumic0/GPXSee-maps/blob/master/World/MapTiler.tpl still working for you ?

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tumic0/GPXSee-maps/master/World/MapTiler.tpl -o ~/.local/share/gpxsee/maps/maptiler.xml
sed -i 's/insert-your-apikey-here/rJU8f69pSsmhWM7EWEG3/g' ~/.local/share/gpxsee/maps/maptiler.xml

In the logs I get https://api.maptiler.com/tiles/v3/2/1/1.pbf?key=rJU8f69pSsmhWM7EWEG3: Operation canceled after what seems like a time-out ; but curl https://api.maptiler.com/tiles/v3/2/1/1.pbf?key=rJU8f69pSsmhWM7EWEG3 -o a.pbf works fine.

tumic0 commented 1 year ago

Yes, it still works for me (although with a different API key).