tumon-art / real_estate

fully responsive real estate selling/renting site with nextjs and tailwind
MIT License
35 stars 7 forks source link

There's no documentation on this repo #2

Open andreyscott opened 1 year ago

andreyscott commented 1 year ago

Why is there no documentation on the repo?

I tried to run it but I decided to go with pnpm which was strange at first (which is the first time i'm using that package manager)

and after installing and running the website locally I'm getting a new error about the data.

I thought initially that the data was handled in a JSON file but it wasn't now it's asking for a key.


  1. is there a public key or should I create a new one
  2. if I do create a new one will it have the data on it or will I have to manually add does too
  3. Are those data real locations or is it dummy data

And thanks for making this public

tumon-art commented 1 year ago

@andreyscott You should get a Rapid API Key for data fetching; get it and store it in your env file as NEXT_PUBLIC_X_RapidAPI_Key

You also need a Google Map API Key for the Map. Get that Api Key and store it in your env file as NEXT_PUBLIC_GAPI

Location Data will be collected from the API from RapidApi.

Sorry for the late reply.

andreyscott commented 11 months ago

thanks friend