tumpio / requestcontrol

A Firefox extension
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Set of default filters to increase privacy #109

Open ArenaL5 opened 4 years ago

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Post edited to clarify. I hadn't even said what is this for.

I'm planning on installing Request Control in several devices (all of them using Firefox), and I think it could benefit from a good set of default rules to increase privacy.

My scenario is: several platforms transform links in comments to redirectors, e.g. YouTube (any link to sites other tan YouTube will point https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=ACTUAL_TARGET_URL) and Disqus. This links, supposedly created to increase privacy, may track your movement from site to site and/or inform targeted ads agencies.

Also, I'm under the impression that Request Control already strips URLs from &utm metadata, but there are other sites that use different codes.

My plan is to write rules to avoid these redirectors, to allow users like myself to install Request Control, subscribe to this list, and then forget about it. Kind of like uBlock Origin works actually.

I know that you haven't been interested in this...

[The default rules are just examples. You're supposed to create your own rules.] (https://github.com/tumpio/requestcontrol/issues/106#issuecomment-523075116)

but I'd nevertheless like to publish these rules somewhere, probably FilterLists. Would you be interested in bundling these rules in your project, or linking to them somewhere in your add-on / README.md?

(I originally suggested to add a mechanism to subscribe to filters, but it doesn't really matter much... all I'd had to do is to download the list locally and import it, still pretty convenient.)

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

The filter list, for the moment, is this. I added some of my own filters on top of your default filters, plus the extra files suggested by @AreYouLoco in #110

To clarify, I'm interested in publishing them either way, but I'd like to know who would manage them. Would you rather have me craft a pull request, or have me upload them to FilterLists, or upload them and manage them yourselves?

I'd like @AreYouLoco's opinion as well.

geeknik commented 4 years ago

@ArenaL5, as is, if I try to import your rules, I see the following error:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected double-quoted property name at line 285 column 3 of the JSON data

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I'm sorry for that. I made a very simple edit without testing it and accidentally added a comma that doesn't belong.

I can import it now with no errors. Please try again.

AreYouLoco commented 4 years ago

Well my opinion is following: I am not a developer of this addon so I would leave ultimate power of final decistion how to manage stuff to @tumpio.

But since its opensource why not contribute already. I think the easiest way would be to merge my PR first so others using this addon can benefit from new rules and then @ArenaL5 you should make your PR with your cool filters on the top of master so its one click merge for @tumpio.

And good future policy would be to make CONTRIBUTING file with instructions how to contribute to the project.

ts1a commented 4 years ago

Some more query parameters that can be useful to remove: https://github.com/Smile4ever/Neat-URL#blocked-parameters

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

@ts1a, thank you! I've added them to the list just now.

tumpio commented 4 years ago

Thank you for sharing these rules! I'm unable to maintain them myself but I can promote it so that other users can find them. I think it could be added as an opt-in rule set that new users can load when Request Control is installed. There would also need to be a mechanism to load possible updates to the rules when extension is updated, which there isn't currently, and also take in account if they can be editable.

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

I'm so sorry for the delay! I've been very busy these days and I almost had forgotten about this list.

I'm glad you like them. Yes, those mechanisms will be necessary, especially the update system. Filters already have IDs, so it should be possible just to compare the same filter in the old and new list, and prompt the user to choose. A bit crude, but mostly manageable, and you wouldn't need to add more data to the JSON file.

Or you could add a flag to mark which ones were not edited by the user. Those can be safely rewritten without warning.

I'm not familiar with the workings of webExtensions, so I can't help with that myself, but I can keep sending filters in the meanwhile.

geeknik commented 4 years ago

@ArenaL5, here's a new rule to strip tracking parameters from .gif files blatantly taken from https://github.com/0x01h/gif-tracking-protection because I don't really want to install another extension.

    "uuid": "6468e7a9-440d-4727-a09e-c1a5cc386948",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": "*",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "action": "filter",
    "active": true,
    "skipRedirectionFilter": true,
    "trimAllParams": true,
    "title": "Filter%3A%20GIF%20Tracking%20Parameters"
ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Added as commit 40503a616e2bc7f567d3ed2552ab67f01b7acced. Thank you so much. :relaxed:

By the way, I think I noticed a weird error in the webextension when testing your rule. As far as I can tell, it shouldn't happen in real webpages, but:


This only happens if the rule is set to cut any and all parameters (after ?). If you set it to cut only some of them, or to use reverse cut, it works normally.

crssi commented 4 years ago

There are not only GIFs... check also the images at https://www.24ur.com/ πŸ˜‰


ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Good catch! I just added your suggestion: commit 2755765c3a11b71dd582384bcab7b3c3644955be

It now filters URLs with .png?, .gif?, .jpg?, .jpeg? and .webm?, case-insensitive. I didn't include SVG or obscure formats because I don't know of any website which uses them for tracking.

Tell me if I missed anything!

crssi commented 4 years ago

Tell me if I missed anything!

Page like https://www.kickstarter.com/ πŸ˜‰

crssi commented 4 years ago

Something like this maybe?:

    "uuid": "de529bb9-2ec2-41ac-800f-d1cb8247f622",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": "*",
      "host": [
      "includes": [
      "path": [],
      "allUrls": true
    "action": "filter",
    "active": true,
    "paramsFilter": {
      "values": [
      "invert": true
    "title": "Filter tracking parameters in images",
    "tag": "filter-img",
    "types": [
crssi commented 4 years ago

^^ but performance wise, I would skip the following out:

      "includes": [
ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

I saw your new messages while I was typing mine. I was thinking of a different approach, but maybe we'll need to combine both. I'm only a bit worried about obscured metadata parameters.

I investigated a bit and found out that Kickstarter depends on Imgix to serve images. Imgix is a web service that describes itself like this:

Powerful image processing, simple API imgix transforms, optimizes, and intelligently caches your entire image library for fast websites and apps using simple and robust URL parameters.

So great start. The whole service runs counter against this filter. Isn't that annoying hahah.

The best option seems to include your parameter whitelist, and also to whitelist imgix.net altogether, but I'm not very sure about s... and I worry about them having metadata parameters in their URL. (I couldn't find the meaning of s in their public API)

^^ but performance wise, I would skip the following out:

      "includes": [

We can do without the regexp, certainly. I just noticed we can apply filters only to certain types of content (I had forgotten about it... :sweat_smile:).

I've done a couple tests and creating a wild-card filter that only filters images seems to work pretty well:


ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Or we can go with your approach, and whitelist imgix.net in a different rule. Maybe it makes what's happening more obvious to the user.

I'd still insist on having some provision for imgix.net, and enabling it by default, because it has like a hundred different parameters and disabling it by default will prevent you from seeing some images as intended.

geeknik commented 4 years ago

It might be necessary to exclude these values from trimming:

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago


So, taking everything into account... what do you both think of this?

    "title": "Filter tracking parameters in images",
    "uuid": "6468e7a9-440d-4727-a09e-c1a5cc386948",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": "*",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "excludes": [
      "allUrls": true
    "action": "filter",
    "active": true,
    "description": "Inspired by GIF Tracking Protection webextension",
    "skipRedirectionFilter": true,
    "tag": "filter-img",
    "types": [
    "paramsFilter": {
      "values": [
      "invert": true
geeknik commented 4 years ago

We should probably whitelist https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/payload*.

This rule turns https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/payload?p=xxx&k=xxx into https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/payload thus breaking half the Internet which relies on that garbage. Should investigate the hCaptcha implementation as well.

geeknik commented 4 years ago

An unintended consequence of this rule is increased privacy on YouTube as this rule trims https://www.youtube.com/api/stats/watchtime?ns=yt&el=detailpage&cpn=VIDEO_ID&docid=DUNNO&ver=2&referrer=OBVIOUS&cmt=33.274&fmt=137&fs=0&rt=1316.676&of=NOT_SURE&euri&lact=8301&cl=SOMETHING&state=paused&vm=SOMETHING_ELSE&volume=17&subscribed=1&cbr=Firefox&cbrver=78.0&c=WEB&cver=2.20200514.04.00&cplayer=UNIPLAYER&cos=X11&autoplay=1&cr=US&uga=o50&len=671.777&rtn=1356&afmt=140&idpj=-5&ldpj=-30&rti=1316&muted=0&st=25.695&et=33.274 down to https://www.youtube.com/api/stats/watchtime thus denying the Google machine valuable information about what I'm doing. I haven't noticed any differences in video quality or playback. YMMV

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Wow, there are a lot of legitimate uses for URL parameters in images.

Whitelisting reCaptcha yes, it's absolutely necessary. The hCaptcha test in their webpage seems to work even when a couple of requests are redirected... but I'd need a different page that implements hCaptcha to confirm it.

Another exception: businesses owned by Facebook (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) use an Imgix-like system to put timestamps and hashes in their images. We need to whitelist them so we can see any photo at those sites.

_nc_ht, _nc_ohc, oe, oh, ~url~ seem to work well for Instagram and Facebook. For Whatsapp Web, ~either whitelisting the e parameter or the https://web.whatsapp.com/pp?e= URL fragment should work.~ there's a better option: create a new rule to force URL filtering for https://web.whatsapp.com/pp?e=. That way, the result of that will be filtered again.

The only complication is that the URL filtering needs to be done before trimming URL parameters, but that can be done by whitelisting https://web.whatsapp.com/. The filtered URL begins with https://pps.whatsapp.net/, which is not whitelisted, so it will be filtered again.

That was confusing. Right now I'm using these test rules:

    "title": "Filter tracking parameters in images",
    "uuid": "6468e7a9-440d-4727-a09e-c1a5cc386948",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": "*",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "excludes": [
      "allUrls": true
    "action": "filter",
    "active": true,
    "description": "Based on GIF Tracking Protection webextension",
    "skipRedirectionFilter": true,
    "tag": "filter-img",
    "types": [
    "paramsFilter": {
      "values": [
      "invert": true
    "uuid": "297fb0c7-d052-4031-9947-fc7a9b7690af",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": "*",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "types": [
    "action": "filter",
    "active": true,
    "title": "WhatsApp Web images"

An unintended consequence of this rule is increased privacy on YouTube as this rule trims https://www.youtube.com/api/stats/watchtime?ns=yt&el=detailpage&cpn=VIDEO_ID&docid=DUNNO&ver=2&referrer=OBVIOUS&cmt=33.274&fmt=137&fs=0&rt=1316.676&of=NOT_SURE&euri&lact=8301&cl=SOMETHING&state=paused&vm=SOMETHING_ELSE&volume=17&subscribed=1&cbr=Firefox&cbrver=78.0&c=WEB&cver=2.20200514.04.00&cplayer=UNIPLAYER&cos=X11&autoplay=1&cr=US&uga=o50&len=671.777&rtn=1356&afmt=140&idpj=-5&ldpj=-30&rti=1316&muted=0&st=25.695&et=33.274 down to https://www.youtube.com/api/stats/watchtime thus denying the Google machine valuable information about what I'm doing. I haven't noticed any differences in video quality or playback. YMMV

This is glory.

geeknik commented 4 years ago

For Instagram, we might be able to get away with just whitelisting scontent-*-*.cdninstagram.com. An example hostname is scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com.

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

That will work, but requests to that server will still have some optional filler. I think whitelisting URL parameters would be better.

geeknik commented 4 years ago

I see where Instagram uses _nc_ht, _nc_ohc, oh, and oe however using the current rules as they are, those are stripped away and images still load when I'm logged in and logged out.

The only place I'm not seeing images load are user avatars in private messages.

So apparently to view a user's avatar, you need these:

_nc_ht = URL signature
_nc_ohc = URL signature
oe = URL timestamp
oh = URL hash

Example: https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-19/s150x150/84176507_208023943903904_2275778092112805888_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_ohc=90_1aiR5QhMAX_aZWG-&oh=a4c150c318a64aebac4d56a57c9ddde3&oe=5EE7AA91

Remove any of those values and you can see the error.

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Yes, that's correct. I tested it visiting empty, random Instagram accounts while logged out, so I didn't notice you always can see photos.

But in Facebook's case, I can't see anything unless I whitelist all of those.

crssi commented 4 years ago

Some reading to digest: https://github.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/issues/149

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Some reading to digest: https://github.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/issues/149

That's a lot of rules to read, test, and transcribe calmly and slowly. I'll give it a look.

For the moment, I pushed a new commit (237b045872e5f24ea872a897eef87f43dddf8cf0). It includes this code sample and an exemption for ReCaptcha.

geeknik commented 4 years ago

Food Network has some awful URLs in their newsletter:


Loading https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/grilled-white-pizza-with-fennel-salad-3364631 works just fine, so all that other tracking nonsense can go.

ArenaL5 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I haven't been checking this lately...

Your URL is messed up. I'm not sure how would we program a rule:

Also, they changed the page, now both links throw me a 404 error. Could you post a different link?

ThurahT commented 3 years ago

@ArenaL5 Hi, I hope you're well. I am trying to find your set of filters but the link (https://gist.github.com/ArenaL5/21832548f9f56c867cf7527688814bb0) gives a 404. I first found my way here using google (last resort) searching for a disq.us filter or redirector. The url tracking they do is really getting on my nerve with its added - extra slow - loading time.

Funny thing is that I tried "Skip Redirect", NeatURL, and ClearURL. Neither of them seem to filter or redirect disq.us.

If you need an example of a disqus link I mean the padding disqus adds when someone posts a link in a post.

Looks like this: https://disq.us/url?url=https://example.org/some/site/:tF3yYzFf7r84F4MitftbeTekwLg&cuid=2271717

I only want to go to exmaple.org/some/site instead of being routed through their tracking system. Hope to hear from you or anyone still looking in here.

ArenaL5 commented 3 years ago

@ThurahT Thank you for your concern. I'm very fortunately doing alright; I hope you are, too.

The filter you're looking for is already part of Request Control's defaults and should work with your example URL.

I deleted the GitHub Gist because it was obsolete and @tumpio already merged my latest updates into the master branch (along with updates from other contributors). To use the newest filters, you can either build Request Control from source, or import the 13 rulesets at this folder.

If you're only adding filters for Disqus, you might be interested in this one as well (it's in the same file); it downloads embedded images from their original location instead of Disqus's servers.

Feel free to report back if you have any problem or suggestion.

ThurahT commented 3 years ago

Thanks a bunch, @ArenaL5! I finally found my sole and only redirector. RC is so much more though, so I am grateful. Just need to learn js and regexp and I should be able to create my own rules in the future. But until that distant future, this is great!

I was confused about the default ruleset since it looks like this in my RC from AMO (1.15.5) : https://i.imgur.com/K6tqu8w.png But I see now that I can import all those rulesets from the repo. Really nice. Thanks again!

ArenaL5 commented 3 years ago

Glad I could help!

Also, you don't need to know JavaScript to create your own rules. Regexps, on the other hand... you should, but the basics are much easier than you think. You can always test your rules with the Test selected button anyways.

EDIT: To be precise, the rulesets can't have any JavaScript. JavaScript would be useful if you want to improve Request Control itself, or for other addons.

geeknik commented 3 years ago

filter-images-4 breaks the thumbnails at the top of an Instagram profile.


ArenaL5 commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry ― it's been 12 days already??

I got the email a while ago but I've been unusually busy these days, so I couldn't get to it. I'm writing a PR to fix this and other issues.

Three parameters are being filtered right now: tp, ccb and _nc_sid. Oddly, if you copy the filtered URL, it loads the image correctly, but it doesn't work on the Instagram profile; I reckon Instagram checks the signature of every image it loads. (Either that, or there's something I'm missing.)

For the moment, I'm whitelisting all three parameters: b25e9627f4a6f12d92fd9293337019bf16a42202

geeknik commented 3 years ago

Your guess is as good as any, I could not figure out a combination that would load the images. What can ya do? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

geeknik commented 11 months ago

It's been a while, I hope everyone is doing well. I've got some suggestions for discussion/inclusion.

    "title": "Remove tracking parameters from images",
    "description": "Remove all non-essential parameters from image requests.",  
    "tag": "filter-images",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": ["http", "https"],
      "host": ["*"],
      "path": ["*"], 
      "exclude": ["/maps/", "/captcha/"]   
    "types": ["image"],
    "action": "filter",
    "active": true,    
    "paramsFilter": {
      "values": ["*token*", "*key*", "*hash*", "z", "x", "y"],
      "invert": true

    "title": "Allow same origin images",
    "tag": "allow-same-origin-images", 
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": ["http","https"],
      "host": ["*"],
      "path": ["*"],
      "origin": "same-domain"
    "types": ["image"],
    "action": "whitelist",
    "active": true

    "title": "Allow maps",
    "tag": "allow-maps",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": ["http","https"],
      "host": ["maps.google.com", "maps.googleapis.com", "*.bing.com"],
      "path": ["*"] 
    "types": ["image"],
    "action": "whitelist",
    "active": true

    "title": "Allow CAPTCHAs",
    "tag": "allow-captchas",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": ["http","https"], 
      "host": ["*"],
      "path": ["*captcha*"],
      "origin": "same-domain"
    "types": ["image"],
    "action": "whitelist",
    "active": true

    "title": "Allow favicons",
    "tag": "allow-favicons",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": ["http","https"],
      "host": ["*"],
      "path": ["/favicon.ico"]
    "types": ["image"], 
    "action": "whitelist",
    "active": true

    "title": "Allow user profile images",
    "tag": "allow-user-images",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": ["http", "https"],
      "host": ["*"],
      "path": ["/avatars/*", "/profile/*"]
    "types": ["image"],
    "action": "whitelist",
    "active": true 

    "title": "Allow content images",
    "tag": "allow-content-images",
    "pattern": {
      "scheme": ["http", "https"],
      "host": ["example.com", "example.org"], 
      "path": ["*"]
    "types": ["image"],
    "action": "whitelist",
    "active": true
  "title": "Block third-party fonts",
  "tag": "block-fonts",
  "pattern": {
    "scheme": ["http", "https"],
    "host": ["*.fonts.com", "*.fonts.net", "*.fontawesome.com"], 
    "origin": "cross-domain"
  "types": ["font"],
  "action": "block",
  "active": true
  "title": "Block third-party scripts",
  "tag": "block-scripts",
  "pattern": {
    "scheme": ["http", "https"],
    "host": ["*.google-analytics.com", "*.doubleclick.net", "*.facebook.net"],
    "origin": "cross-domain"
  "types": ["script"],
  "action": "block",
  "active": true
  "title": "Block third-party frames",
  "tag": "block-frames",
  "pattern": {
    "scheme": ["http", "https"],
    "host": ["*.youtube.com", "*.vimeo.com"],
    "origin": "cross-domain"
  "types": ["sub_frame"],
  "action": "block",
  "active": true
  "title": "Block webcam/mic access",
  "tag": "block-media-devices",
  "pattern": {
    "scheme": ["http", "https"],
    "host": ["*"], 
    "path": ["*"]
  "types": ["webRTC"],
  "action": "block",
  "active": true
  "title": "Prevent history sniffing",
  "tag": "block-history-sniffing",
  "pattern": {
    "scheme": ["http", "https"], 
    "host": ["*"],
    "path": ["/:window.navigator.userAgent*", "/:window.navigator.language*"] 
  "types": ["xhr"],
  "action": "cancel",
  "active": true
  "title": "Block cryptominers",
  "tag": "block-cryptominers",
  "pattern": {
    "scheme": ["http", "https"],
    "host": ["*"],
    "path": ["/cryptonight.wasm", "/coinhive.min.js"]
  "types": ["script"],
  "action": "block",
  "active": true
  "title": "Block invisible trackers",
  "tag": "block-invisible",
  "pattern": {
    "scheme": ["http", "https"],
    "host": ["*"],
    "path": ["*"],
    "contentType": ["image", "script", "stylesheet", "font"]
  "types": ["main_frame"],
  "action": "block",
  "active": true,
  "sizeLimit": 1 
  "title": "Block referer header",
  "tag": "block-referer",
  "pattern": {
    "scheme": ["http", "https"],
    "host": ["*"],
    "path": ["*"]
  "types": ["xmlHttpRequest", "script", "stylesheet", "image", "font"],
  "action": "setRequestHeader",
  "active": true,
  "setHeader": {
    "name": "Referer",
    "value": ""
  "title": "Block hyperlink auditing", 
  "tag": "block-hyperlink-auditing",
  "pattern": {
    "scheme": ["http", "https"],
    "host": ["*"],
    "path": ["*"]
  "types": ["main_frame"],
  "action": "removeParam",
  "active": true,
  "removeParam": "noreferrer" 
ArenaL5 commented 8 months ago

Sorry for the two months of wait. I haven't completely forgotten about this.

I saw your message like a month ago and meant to review it sooner, but I kept being distracted with life stuff.

I'll take a look and give my opinion soon.

ArenaL5 commented 8 months ago

Haven't actually tried adding these, but I did download Firefox for developers and installed the latest nightly to compare the current lists to your suggestions.

Your first block of suggestions looks too simple. To remove tracking parameters from images, specifically, we already have four horribly complex filters. I would like a way to simplify those, but there are simply too many benign uses for image parameters and the simple filters you wrote could break sites as aerial maps, image sites that allow you to crop files on servers, font previews, customised post cards, shopping catalogues... We also already have filters for Google Maps and Bing Maps specifically.

The one filter I like there is the favicon whitelisting. I never thought if Request Control could prevent the loading of a favicon (it's not ON the page, but it's certainly listed on the code for the page, so probably). Whitelisting those is sensible.

I like most of your blocking filters, but I think some of them shouldn't be enabled by default:

Removing the referrer from every request, if possible, would be brilliant.

Finally, I can't find the option to set "sizeLimit": 1 in the GUI. Is it pseudo-code? If not, how did you set it? And, if you typed it by hand, where is it on Request Control's code? I'm surprised it has any provision for one-pixel images.

HyperCriSiS commented 7 months ago

This seems to be a really awesome extension. I just uninstalled the "skip-redirect addon" which made so many issues. Looking forward to more control rules :) Crazy possibilities. I am actually overwhelmed how much it can do!

ulidtko commented 7 months ago

Hey folks... Am I missing how to do a full-URL match, including query-params?

Getting a site that works just fine, but sometimes redirects to https://foobar.redacted.net/sign-in/?signInError=THIRD_PARTY_COOKIES_DISABLED β€” want to block this (and only this) redirect.

Somehow failing to wrangle this out of the extension; doesn't work. Although the underlying browser API does provide the full URL, why can't I match it == verbatim, wtf...

Vinfall commented 2 months ago

Hi, I created a hard fork of Request Control in case anyone still uses it even in 2024, almost 4 years since last release. You can find it at Vinfall/reqon.

A few things you should know before trying:

  1. Backup your configuration! Although my fork passed all lint check & tests, one of the dependency updates might break things.
  2. The extension is not signed (yet) as I don't have a Mozilla account and signing requires an application. Also, I'm lazy enough to use the original extension ID so Request Control would be overwritten. (You can still reinstall it and safely import your backup though.)
  3. Maintainance is not guaranteed. I'm still weighing the consequences between homebrew UserScripts and a (slightly updated yet) deprecated extension. For now I'm updating the fork only to provide a more updated base for anyone who wanna maintain it (and possibly develop a Chrome version as Chrome has a chrome.webRequest API similar to Firefox webRequest.onBeforeRequest as far as I can tell).
  4. In (unreleased) version 1.16.0a1 of Request Control, there is a new Imports tab you can import more default rules and subscribe online rules like uBlock Origin. You can get it here. If you don't trust my fork, you can also clone this repo, build it locally and use that instead.
  5. In addition to point 4, I also have a reqon-rules repo to store these online rules and would appreciate it if you could contribute to share your rules. If you've commited to Request Control previously, I'll just give you write permission to the repo so you can mess it yourself, just make sure to not screw things up :)
Vinfall commented 2 months ago

Ops, I forgot to mention that some rules in reqon-rules are adapted from geeknik's reply in https://github.com/tumpio/requestcontrol/issues/109#issuecomment-1646617366, I hope you don't mind that. Those can definitely get deleted if you don't want the inclusion.

geeknik commented 2 months ago

i don't mind, thanks for the update, feel free to reach out if you want help with maintenance. πŸ€™

FrozzDay commented 2 months ago

I found this snippet from Reddit https://pastebin.com/raw/fCX9Dd2P This rule is used to compress images on wikipedia by using wsrv service. let say i want to use it on image board websites. most of them have common domain 'booru', how to apply only to those domain?

FrozzDay commented 2 months ago


right, i can do "All Urls" and then include "booru", but it failed when i add another keyword. it expect both keyword must exist in the same url. i think we need logic selector to choose Edit: turns out i can use regex in extra url matcher