tumuyan / RealSR-NCNN-Android

An Android application for super-resolution & interpolation. Contains RealSR-NCNN, SRMD-NCNN, RealCUGAN-NCNN, Real-ESRGAN-NCNN, Waifu2x-NCNN, Anime4kcpp, nearest, bilinear, bicubic, AVIR...
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Not working when target SDK is 33 issue: "sh: <stdin>[2]: ./realsr-ncnn: can't execute: Permission denied" #19

Closed syedusama5556 closed 1 year ago

syedusama5556 commented 1 year ago

Not working when target SDK is 33 issue: "sh: [2]: ./realsr-ncnn: can't execute: Permission denied",

when i make target SDK 33 , 32 it doesn't work but when i shift it back to 28 it works kindly fix it


tumuyan commented 1 year ago

this project doesn't use jni, just run console. so it could never support target SDK 33

syedusama5556 commented 1 year ago

how can we make it support it using jni can you explain a little

tumuyan commented 1 year ago

Actually, I use this solution just because I don't have the ability to develop a jni projects.

syedusama5556 commented 1 year ago


RobbWatershed commented 1 year ago

Adding the corresponding API changelog for future reference : https://developer.android.com/about/versions/10/behavior-changes-10#execute-permission

syedusama5556 commented 1 year ago

do you have any fix for this

RobbWatershed commented 1 year ago

The fix is writing the JNI bridge 😋

I'm currently considering whether to invest time on this or not. You might hear about me again soon 😉

RobbWatershed commented 1 year ago

There's another structural issue here : this repo has actually two kinds of products

Linking the GUI to NCNN directly via JNI would require to do important changes to the structure of that repo, and I'm not certain those changes would go in the direction the maintainer wants.

As I'm only interested in the GUI, I'll probably end up working on my own fork and getting rid of CLIs.

RobbWatershed commented 12 months ago

@syedusama5556 I eventually made my own integration as an Android native library using RealCUGAN exclusively : https://github.com/avluis/Hentoid/tree/dev/app/ai-upscale

It works like a charm on my app, which targets API33

tumuyan commented 12 months ago

@syedusama5556 I eventually made my own integration as an Android native library using RealCUGAN exclusively : https://github.com/avluis/Hentoid/tree/dev/app/ai-upscale

It works like a charm on my app, which targets API33

nice work , but it's more flexible to use a cli program for myself. I find your repo is a manga app, does the process speed match read speed? Maybe anime4k or bicubicd+ + is better.

RobbWatershed commented 12 months ago

nice work , but it's more flexible to use a cli program for myself.

Sure, no problem. I was simply answering syedusama's question about how to call NCNN from an API33 Android app.

I find your repo is a manga app, does the process speed match read speed? Maybe anime4k or bicubicd+ + is better.

NCNN is not used for real-time reading, but in a feature called "Transform" used to upscale all pictures of a given book.

That being said :

syedusama5556 commented 12 months ago

thanks for the response i will definitely check it out @RobbWatershed

tumuyan commented 12 months ago

@RobbWatershed This repo has build Anime4k for Android, not the latest version https://github.com/TianZerL/Anime4KCPP

bicbic++ only has python repo. https://github.com/aselsan-research-imaging-team/bicubic-plusplus