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eclipse 镜像内容部分缺失 #1475

Open youhandcn opened 2 years ago

youhandcn commented 2 years ago

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

发生了什么(What happened)


child location="helios/R201102150556/mwe child location="helios/R201102151014/mwe2lang

https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/eclipse/modeling/emft/mwe/updates/releases/ 路径下缺少上述子项内容

eclipse 官方站点无此问题

期望的现象(What you expected to happen)


如何重现此问题(How to reproduce it)


操作系统(OS Version)


浏览器(如果适用)(Browser version, if applicable)


其他环境(Other environments)


其他需要说明的事项(Anything else we need to know)


ZenithalHourlyRate commented 2 years ago

您好,我采样了几个镜像站,均没有 helios 等文件,在官方站点的 rsync 中也未发现这些文件。不过,官方站点的 compositeContent 中确实存在该项目。

$ rsync rsync://download.eclipse.org/eclipseMirror/modeling/emft/mwe/updates/releases/                                                                                             

drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2022/01/19 03:18:53 .                                                                                                                                    
-rw-rw-r--          2,431 2022/01/19 03:18:59 compositeArtifacts.xml                                                                                                               
-rw-rw-r--          2,431 2022/01/19 03:18:59 compositeContent.xml                                                                                                                 
-rw-rw-r--            134 2012/03/20 21:41:04 p2.index                                                                                                                             
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2019/02/13 17:34:18 2.10.0                                                                                                                               
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2019/06/11 23:53:17 2.11.0                                                                                                                               
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2019/11/21 19:57:02 2.11.1                                                                                                                               
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2020/02/24 16:27:25 2.11.2                                                                                                                               
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2020/05/20 16:03:19 2.11.3                                                                                                                               
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2020/11/20 04:22:43 2.12.0                                                                                                                               
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2021/02/19 05:40:10 2.12.1                                                                                                                               
drwxr-sr-x          4,096 2022/01/19 03:18:55 2.12.2                                                                                                                               
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2015/03/06 01:30:29 2.7.1                                                                                                                                
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2015/05/26 17:26:19 2.8.0                                                                                                                                
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2015/08/03 16:44:16 2.8.1                                                                                                                                
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2015/11/17 21:53:09 2.8.2                                                                                                                                
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2015/12/16 20:25:30 2.8.3                                                                                                                                
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2016/03/01 18:47:06 2.8.4                                                                                                                                
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2016/05/27 16:07:35 2.9.0                                                                                                                                
drwxrwxr-x          4,096 2017/05/29 18:16:30 2.9.1                                                                                                                                
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2011/06/07 20:02:57 R201106070424                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2011/06/07 19:20:19 R201106070634                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2011/08/02 20:29:04 R201108020506                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2011/08/02 20:29:04 R201108020809                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2011/11/01 21:27:30 R201110310946                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2011/12/07 20:34:55 R201112070431                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2011/12/08 02:00:30 R201112071250                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2012/06/11 21:42:26 R201206110920                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2012/06/12 20:41:39 R201206120758                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2013/06/11 15:54:53 R201306110341                                                                                                                        
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2013/06/12 07:51:09 R201306110940                              
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2013/09/03 17:37:59 R201309030422      
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2013/09/03 19:03:46 R201309030512         
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2013/09/03 20:57:12 R201309030840         
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2013/12/11 21:25:05 R201312110307
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2013/12/11 22:54:09 R201312110944
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2014/02/03 20:47:18 R201402030544
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2014/02/03 21:13:40 R201402030750
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2014/05/20 19:36:50 R201405200714
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2014/05/20 21:47:08 R201405200939
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2014/06/12 07:07:36 R201406110919
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2014/06/12 20:14:08 R201406120758
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2014/09/02 22:34:53 R201409021027
drwxrwsr-x          4,096 2014/09/02 22:57:10 R201409021051

我能找到该文件的地方是 http://ftp.kaist.ac.kr/eclipse/modeling/emft/mwe/updates/releases/ ,而该镜像已经四年未同步成功了。

eclipse 官方站点无此问题


该问题无法由镜像站解决,可以直接向 eclipse 官方反馈。

ZenithalHourlyRate commented 2 years ago

我能找到该文件的地方是 http://ftp.kaist.ac.kr/eclipse/modeling/emft/mwe/updates/releases/ ,而该镜像已经四年未同步成功了。

能找到该镜像的另一个地方是 https://mirrors.xtom.nl/eclipse//modeling/emft/mwe/updates/releases/helios/R201102150556/mwe ,而该镜像站的同步落后已经延迟了 13 天。可知上游对此的改动在最近一段内时间进行的。

youhandcn commented 2 years ago

我不知道镜像站是否有问题,但是官方的p2站点是正常的,可以直接访问: https://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emft/mwe/updates/releases/helios/ 这些包我也用不上,但是会导致用清华镜像网址编译工程时同步失败

ZenithalHourlyRate commented 1 year ago




The Helios release is 2011 and does not receive many downloads. We've excluded it from rsync to save space on mirrors. but we host the content on the home site.

We have a wide array of exclusion patterns to try to keep size as small as we can (even if we are taking > 1TB).

Thanks for asking.