I connected a board based on Tundra SIP to a RPi Pico board programmed with build of arduino/tmi_hand_controller.
Unfortunately I cannot get any output after typing "axis" in the lighthouse-console, except some garbage after reboot:
Attached lighthouse receiver devices: 1
lighthouse_console[4430]: lighthouse_console: Connected to receiver 8EF33A13E3-LYX
lighthouse_console[4430]: Attempting HID Open IMU: 8EF33A13E3-LYX
lighthouse_console[4430]: Lighthouse IMU HID opened
lighthouse_console[4430]: 8EF33A13E3-LYX: Firmware Version 1637337510 WMBUILD-W64$@wmbuild-w64 2021-11-19 FPGA 538(2.26/7/2) BL 0
lighthouse_console[4430]: 8EF33A13E3-LYX: Successfully fetched gyro/accelerometer range modes from the device. GyroRangeMode:3 AccelRangeMode:2
lighthouse_console[4430]: 8EF33A13E3-LYX: Read config of 935 bytes from [vid:28de, pid:2102] (8EF33A13E3-LYX) and inflated to 2344 bytes
lh> axis
axis: 1 (filter:-1, printInterval:-1)
lh> reboot
lh> lighthouse_console[4430]: 8EF33A13E3-LYX: Triggered keepalive (succeeded)
lighthouse_console[4430]: 8EF33A13E3-LYX: Packet received after 0.552s, keepalive (0/1)
lighthouse_console[4430]: 8EF33A13E3-LYX: Wireless controller disconnected
lighthouse_console[4430]: lighthouse_console: Disconnected from receiver 8EF33A13E3-LYX
lighthouse_console[4430]: 8EF33A13E3-LYX: Successfully fetched gyro/accelerometer range modes from the device. GyroRangeMode:3 AccelRangeMode:2
axis=100 0
axis=101 0 0
axis=100 1
axis=102 0 0 0 0
axis=104 0
axis=105 0
I connected a board based on Tundra SIP to a RPi Pico board programmed with build of arduino/tmi_hand_controller. Unfortunately I cannot get any output after typing "axis" in the lighthouse-console, except some garbage after reboot:
My JSON file and UART log
There is how SCLK (bottom) and MISO (top) look like. For some reason SCLK stops after 16 cycles every time.
Remaining signals screenshots are available here. Waves are different because acquired in 4 passes with 2 channel oscilloscope.
Wiring Tundra - Pico: MOSI 29 - 12 MISO 30 - 15 SCLK 28 - 14 CSN 33 - 13