tuneinsight / lattigo

A library for lattice-based multiparty homomorphic encryption in Go
Apache License 2.0
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Bug[BGV]: panic when encoding `N` values with `IsBatched=false` #478

Open Pro7ech opened 1 month ago

Pro7ech commented 1 month ago

What version of Lattigo are you using?


Does this issue persist with the latest release?


What were you trying to do?

Encode params.N() values with the flag IsBatched=false

What were you expecting to happen?

No error

What actually happened?

panic: cannot Encode (TimeDomain): len(values)=16384 > N=128


// Package main is a template encrypted modular arithmetic integers, with a set of example parameters, key generation, encoding, encryption, decryption and decoding.
package main

import (


func main() {
    var err error
    var params heint.Parameters

    // 128-bit secure parameters enabling depth-7 circuits.
    // LogN:14, LogQP: 431.
    if params, err = heint.NewParametersFromLiteral(
            LogN:             14,                                    // log2(ring degree)
            LogQ:             []int{55, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45}, // log2(primes Q) (ciphertext modulus)
            LogP:             []int{61},                             // log2(primes P) (auxiliary modulus)
            PlaintextModulus: 0x101,                               // log2(scale)
        }); err != nil {

    // Key Generator
    kgen := rlwe.NewKeyGenerator(params)

    // Secret Key
    sk := kgen.GenSecretKeyNew()

    // Encoder
    ecd := heint.NewEncoder(params)

    // Encryptor
    enc := rlwe.NewEncryptor(params, sk)

    // Decryptor
    dec := rlwe.NewDecryptor(params, sk)

    // Vector of plaintext values
    values := make([]uint64, params.N())

    // Source for sampling random plaintext values (not cryptographically secure)
    /* #nosec G404 */
    r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0))

    // Populates the vector of plaintext values
    T := params.PlaintextModulus()
    for i := range values {
        values[i] = r.Uint64() % T

    // Allocates a plaintext at the max level.
    // Default rlwe.MetaData:
    // - IsBatched = true (slots encoding)
    // - Scale = params.DefaultScale()
    pt := heint.NewPlaintext(params, params.MaxLevel())
    pt.IsBatched = false

    // Encodes the vector of plaintext values
    if err = ecd.Encode(values, pt); err != nil {

    // Encrypts the vector of plaintext values
    var ct *rlwe.Ciphertext
    if ct, err = enc.EncryptNew(pt); err != nil {

    // Allocates a vector for the reference values
    want := make([]uint64, params.MaxSlots())
    copy(want, values)

    PrintPrecisionStats(params, ct, want, ecd, dec)

// PrintPrecisionStats decrypts, decodes and prints the precision stats of a ciphertext.
func PrintPrecisionStats(params heint.Parameters, ct *rlwe.Ciphertext, want []uint64, ecd *heint.Encoder, dec *rlwe.Decryptor) {

    var err error

    // Decrypts the vector of plaintext values
    pt := dec.DecryptNew(ct)

    // Decodes the plaintext
    have := make([]uint64, params.MaxSlots())
    if err = ecd.Decode(pt, have); err != nil {

    // Pretty prints some values
    fmt.Printf("Have: ")
    for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
        fmt.Printf("%d ", have[i])

    fmt.Printf("Want: ")
    for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
        fmt.Printf("%d ", want[i])

    if !utils.EqualSlice(want, have) {
        panic("wrong result: bad decryption or encrypted/plaintext circuits do not match")
qantik commented 1 month ago

Hey, this seems to be an API issue as it is not documented what happens if the plaintext modulus t does not respect t = 1 (mod 2N).

Internally, the current implementation will find a ring degree for the T polynomial that abides by this rule. In the snippet t = 257, the largest ring degree that accommodates this choice is 128 which is also the number of slots available. As a result, params.N() does not correspond to the actual number of slots available.

For example see, testEncoder in schemes/bgv/bgv_test.go which handles this case correctly.

Pro7ech commented 1 month ago

If batching is set to false, it should be possible to encode N values modulo a any t since this doesn't require to call a DFT/IDFT.