tungatkarniranjan / CMP202-Project-Group-5

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Setting up project environment #4

Closed tungatkarniranjan closed 8 years ago

tungatkarniranjan commented 8 years ago

Includes setting up of git repository, task board, google CFD sheet, software installations.

ajaytanpure commented 8 years ago

Installed latest java jdk and greenfoot tool, cloned git repository.

tungatkarniranjan commented 8 years ago

java jdk 1.8, greenfoot installed. Git Repo cloned.

mtanwar21 commented 8 years ago

Done with the Installation of the java JDK and other software requirements

TheBloodMage commented 8 years ago

installed java, netbeans, greenfoot, git desktop and other environment setup has been done

darshan009 commented 8 years ago

installed java, greenfoot, git environment setup and other additions done