tungstonminer / brunel-3

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Sleeping in an Animania covered wagon does not restore health #242

Closed spunkiethefirst closed 3 years ago

spunkiethefirst commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to make sleeping in an Animania covered wagon restore health in the same way sleeping in a bed does?

Sleeping bags and bed carts do not have the same issue.

tungstonminer commented 3 years ago

I'm afraid there isn't anything I can do to address that issue. However... only player(s) who actually sleep get a health benefit. That is, if you weren't one of the ones Morpheus tallied toward the sleep count, you won't get healed. At the moment, Morpheus only needs a single player to sleep, so if you weren't the very first place to sleep, you don't heal. Therefore, I'd recommend doing a trial. When you're hurt, ask the other players not to sleep so you can be sure you're one Morpheus sees as sleeping. Then, you can determine whether or not there's any difference between sleeping in a regular bed vs sleeping in the wagon.