tungstonminer / brunel-3

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Server Access Request #243

Closed Niveous69 closed 3 years ago

Niveous69 commented 3 years ago

Please answer the following questions

What is your experience playing modded Minecraft?

I used to play a bunch but I had gotten bored with it and quitted to pursue other things, Lately though I have gotten back into the game and Modded MC.

Have you successfully been able to play the modpack in single-player?

No, I have not played this modpack in single player yet but I've played around with most of the bigger mods in the pack so I feel like I will be able to play without trouble on a server.

What is your Minecraft username?


Please re-state the server rules in your own words

Next Steps

Please be patient while waiting for your request to be considered! Access requests are considered once per day, so you should generally receive a response in less than 24h. In the meantime, you can set up your Minecraft instance to access the server at:


You may also find it helpful to view the world map to get acquainted with what has been done already.

Finally, it is highly recommended that you read the wiki for the modpack. There are a lot of changes to world generation, mob spawning, ore placement, recipes and general game mechanics which will be very confusing otherwise.

Alright Sounds Good!

tungstonminer commented 3 years ago

You're all set! Welcome to the server!