tungstonminer / istari

Minecraft 1.7.10 modpack which blends Lord of the Rings with Thaumcraft
The Unlicense
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Add Ships Mod #118

Open TheOneTwentyOne opened 2 years ago

TheOneTwentyOne commented 2 years ago

The ships mod will be added, making it easier to travel in the water. It is also fun to make custom ships.


andrewminer commented 2 years ago

In theory, I like the idea of something like this, but I have a few concerns you may be able to clarify. With Archimedes Ships, you can easily run into the problem where the ship doesn’t assemble/disassemble correctly and it can corrupt chunks. I’ve subsequently been wary of including it in mod packs after a few really nasty problems. What do you know about this mod, and it’s potential for causing that sort of issue?

Second, some of these allow you to create really massive ships which cause horrendous performance problems for servers. What do you know about this mod in that regard?

I’d love to hear the results of any experiments you may do with this mod to learn more about it.

TheOneTwentyOne commented 2 years ago

I have experimented with this mod for a few days. The multi-block structure works like this: There are variations of the block that creates the boat. They determine the upper limit for how many blocks can be used in a boat. For example, the tiny one gives a maximum of 10 blocks while the epic block offers a ship size of 10,000 blocks. The price for each of these goes up accordingly, from iron, then to gold, and then to lapis and diamond.

If you decide 10,000 is too much for the server, you can eliminate that recipe. However, if you decide to do so, the max size would decrease drastically(I want to build at least 2000 block ships like galleons or caravels, and I've tested big ships like those before. It doesn't seem to affect my laptop too much).

To disassemble, the boat will have to be aligned with how it was assembled, so blocks will not turn/shift. This might solve some issues, but IDK(I can't code, and know nothing of this field).

The only problem I can think of is if certain blocks from other mods will crash the game/server. I can't test them all, but most blocks seem to work.

TheOneTwentyOne commented 2 years ago

I forgot to mention something. The ships actively displaces water so it may cause some lag.

andrewminer commented 2 years ago

Given the level of activity on the server lately (including my own utter absence to due my new jobs), I've kept putting off adding this mod. At this point, I think I need to be honest with myself and admit that I'm probably not going to update Istari again except for game-breaking problem.

That said, I'll keep this issue open in the off chance I do put out another update, but I figured I should at least make it clear where things stand.