tungvoduc / DTPagerController

A fully customizable container view controller to display a set of ViewControllers in a horizontal scroll view. Written in Swift.
MIT License
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pod install error #31

Closed hadiyazdi closed 6 years ago

hadiyazdi commented 6 years ago

When trying to install the library through pod, I get this error [!] Unable to find a specification for 'DTPagerController'

This is my pod file

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'Almadar CRM' do
  # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for Almadar CRM
  pod 'DTPagerController'


When I try to validate the specs, I get this error

-> DTPagerController (2.0.0)
    - ERROR | [iOS] file patterns: The `source_files` pattern did not match any file.
    - WARN  | [iOS] license: Unable to find a license file

[!] DTPagerController did not pass validation, due to 1 error and 1 warning.
You can use the `--no-clean` option to inspect any issue.